What was the most emotional part of this Final Fantasy to you?


White Mage
Jul 14, 2006
Winnipeg, Canada
I just want to know what is the most emotional time of the final fantasy II (Later released as FFIV) game that you can remember. There are a few to me but the part that made me most teary eyed was when Rydia resurfaced to save the team from certain death....how bout you guys? Tell me what your most memorable moment was....I know that buying weapons is emotional lol but try to be real :P
Well I haven't gotten very far into the game myself so I'd have to say Anna's departure was pretty emotional, but not too emotional. Edward is all hung up over it since he's her lover, and of course Tellah since he's now daughter-less.
For some reason, the last time I played this game I got emotional right before the final battle where all the characters are giving your party strength, mp, health ect... Don't know why.

Also during the ending when Edward asks Anna to watch over their kingdom.
Tellahs death and Rydias "death"

it was sad :sad: especially Tellahs! he was an awesome character!
and rydia was young and didnt deserve to "die" :sad:
so i was so happy when she came back ^_^
Everyone's 'deaths' were emotional, especially Tellah's because he actually died, whereas i had a feeling all the others survived because you didn't actually see them die.
I'd say the part that gave me the coziest warm feeling was right after Tellah died, and Cecil continues into the next room to save Rosa, grabs he from the guillotine, and they hug, and the hug motion turns into just 1 .gif block. I thought that was so cool. Although if they didn't use Rosas theme, and made a love theme, it would've been so much better.
I was pretty sad when Polom and Porom turned themselves into stone to save the party from getting crushed by the walls. I really liked those two and how one was really immature and the other was like a grownup. It made me sad to see them die.
The two posts right above this one are, imo, the best parts of the game emotionally. I was sad to lose Palom and Porom, since I really liked them (and had levelled them up so much that Palom was a killing machine and Porom was as good a healer as Rosa). And I really liked that scene where Cecil saves Rosa in the nick of time and they embrace. It looks really funny now, but when I saw it 10+ years ago I thought it was neat.
the two sadest parts in the game for me was when the twins turned into stone, 1 because i really like them and 2 because i used every little gill i had on them.
and wen cid blew himself up for the team really sapprised and saddend me :(.
i didn't have any really emotional scenes in the game in my opinion at least but the funniest scene (i have a sick sense of humour) is when tellah tries slaughtering cortez (i think that is his name i havent played in ages)
i didn't have any really emotional scenes in the game in my opinion at least but the funniest scene (i have a sick sense of humour) is when tellah tries slaughtering cortez (i think that is his name i havent played in ages)

that wasbt funny i found that scene to be awesome :P
another good scene is when edge gets pissed at the fiend of fire and just charges after him
i dont know man there really isnt ot many scenes to talk about how about the one where cecil becomes a paladin that was cool my faveorite ff moment