What was the most emotional part of this Final Fantasy to you?

The opening moments were the most emotional. I was 13 or so (I was getting into the series pretty late, but I started with this entry). I had played very few RPGs before, and those were only the 8-bit games. Great memories. As the game went on, the scenes lost their emotion, because yeah, everyone kept coming back to life. Not very sensical, is it. Overall, this game was not very touching, but I still loved the hell out of it.

There were a few scenes that were a little on the touching side, I guess. Everyone coming back to life (again) to help out Cecil & friends with the giant was kind of touching. But like I said, either way this game makes me want to get sentimental. To a 13-year-old kid who'd never played a game like this before, this was the best game on the face of the planet. Such good times.