What was your favorite boss?

Jun 30, 2006
My favorite boss battle would have to be the one with the Ruby Weapon, and Emerald Weapon. I found them challenging which made it extra fun for me. ^_^
I don't like Weapon -bosses. Sephiroth (last boss) is my choice. I just love to kick Sephy's @$$ again and again and again. I never get bored of that. I just love to kick his very @$$ everytime I battle with him. >:3
I liked the fight with Sephiroth but my most challenging battles are with ruby weapon...who i still havent beat.....
i loved the one winged angel thingy fight it was sooo mad with the -one winged angel- music in the backround
fav boss

i have to wonder who my favorite boss in ff 7 was...id have to say that robot guy you fight in the games area where you try to pick up game points to try to get objects such as omnislash......this guy at least didnt die right away and was somewhat of a challenge :P
well good to learn bad to get hit by
and that hell claw attack which was insanly powerful
1 hit kill for me
My first time through..the Demon Gate in the Temple Of The Ancients beat me to a pulp. I wasn't prepared for that one the least bit. Second time i was more prepared and managed to defeat it, but that first time was a beatdown for me :P
hmmmmmm jenova death gave me trouble as well with aqualung
but i liked the music when fighting her
I like ALL turks fights especially reno
Fire Cross said:
My first time through..the Demon Gate in the Temple Of The Ancients beat me to a pulp. I wasn't prepared for that one the least bit. Second time i was more prepared and managed to defeat it, but that first time was a beatdown for me :P

He completely escaped my mind! :O He was an ass to beat. I had to load a game I had conveniantly saved at Rocket Town, buy Haste and Barrier, then train up a bit :P Even still, he gave me one hell of a fight - it made me fall in love with the boss music, seeing as I listened to it often enough :P
Carry armour was also a pain .
Kept on using that lapis laser and picks up one of your people and they can't do anything while he attacks them
I don't know to be honest, the only hard one for me personally was Emerald WEAPON and that's only because I did it without the underwater materia. However, I always took a liking to Jenova DEATH. Just a cool battle.