Help What was your most hated area?


ShinRa Guard
Feb 21, 2007
Mine was the entire sandsea. It took forever and it wasn't that easy when I was at low levels. The other one I hated was the probably the Lhushu mines.
Giruvegan Great Crystal my first time through on teh upper levels. Holy crap I got butt-moleted big time. I mean I would try to avoid encounters, or run and heal when I got my butt whooped, but I managed to survive just barely each time.
I really didn't have any place that I hated. Some places were hard and a lot of places were incredibly long (The Pharos) but they all had their own cool feel. I liked all the places in the game. Even the Feywould that got old after a while kind of had a scary and intense feel, so I never really minded it.
At the moment...I find Ozmone Plains most challenging XD. I went into there, and instantly screamed for a save point ;;
I guess i'd have to say the first mines. I only hated it for a little while getting my butt kicked and all. After that i loved it to level up and ***spoilers*** coming back to fight the antlion thing was pretty cool. But mostly all the areas I really like . Its just the new feal of a new area with music changing just right when you come in just cool.
Lhushu mines becuase I spent along time levelling up and those Skeleton Defenders and what not can really give a good rapeing if your up against several at a time. But as time went on it became reletivly easy.

The Sandsea. I've found it incredibly easy except for a few monsters but its the length that does my head in! Im about to take on Garuda just outside that Tomb thing but im levelling up abit more before hand and going back to Rabanaster to pick up some better equipment.
golmore jungle was hard for me, I was under the proper level I guess to complete that area but i still managed. D@mn i hated those negative statues effects :P
At the moment for me its the sandsea. The area was alright except i had to spend most of two hours looking for the next savepoint while 3 of my 4 characters were stuck under silence preventing me from curing each other :( Got my levels up though XD
I'd also say Leviathan was annoying as well. Especially with the alarm :(
i hated the sandsea since there were mostly urutan and it took so long :(
lhuse mines, the part with the skelotons on the second bridge annoyed the hell out of me, i nearly died because there was just too many of them ahhh
Well it wasn't that bad it was just the the battle against Ghis with my low level characters :(
I used a chain of three Quickinings a few slices from my partys swords and he went down with no trouble. Well one of my guys ended up dying but other than that we can safely say that 'ol Ghis got a right rectum shining :D
I'll have to go with the Sandsea too. It was so dull and boring. But I mostly dislike it because I spent A LOT of hours leveling up there, so the environment made me desert-sick. =/
I'm not far in the game because I don't play it much but so far it's Dreadnought Leviathan.
The imperial building in which you confront doctor Cid for the first time. Every time I killed there one imperial, three another showed up so I had to confront Cid with my party at level 35-36.
The subtera....too many enemies and when there is multiple magic being cast the system cant handle it, chracters sit there waiting to cast. Im sitting there with my leg shaking screaming at the its so dark in the rooms....annoying!