Help What was your most hated area?

The damn pharoas, most annoying place ever, It was easy though(I was way overleveled, around 63 for my whole main group) but it was long as hell.
Subterra at Pharos. Getting attacked by hoards of enemies in the outer rings didn't make for a good time. As mentioned by someone else, a lot of the rooms down there are nearly pitch black, and finding your way around was rough.
Currently I am at the stillshrine of miriam. I have found this the most annoying place so far. I think my characters might be a bit low on level or something. I was getting destroyed down there :( Gonna have to level up :(
The Sochen Cave Palace; right before you enter Old Archades.

The fiends here really gave me some trouble. I struggled to even defeat the Save Crystal. The Pit Fiends really gave me some trouble; they would always attack me with 9+ hit chains and wipe out one party member. On the plus side of being in this area for so long, when I got out, I made about 200,000 Gil when I sold my loot.
Ugh, I'm currently hating the Pharos area right now! It's too damn long! I'm like so near the ending too. -_- I played again earlier and was really ticked at the whole dark color theme in that area. It was too hard to see. >.< Anyway, I still have many, many, many, MANY stairs/levels left to go!
I hate the great crystal the most, it wasn't terrible to go through for the story, but now Im going back again to get all of the rare monsters and such, talk about a pain in the rear end! Luckily I've got only Larva Eater to go for in there so I'm almost done.