What Would Be A Suitible Name For Our Planet?


Sep 17, 2007
I'm talking about the planet that we live in. Earth, right? That's a boring name. Could you come up with something better?

So the question is what other name would you like name the Earth, and why?
It's actually rather apt. Earth is the Roman name for the greek Titan Gaia. So it is continuing the policy of naming the planets in our solar system after Roman gods, eg Jupiter, Saturn et al.
So to answer your question, I wouldn't change the name of the planet that we all inhabit.
I agree with the significance of the name "Earth" and that it doesn't need to change. However, to answer your question, if it were to change I'd call it "Gaia", to keep the same meaning but perhaps have it sounding a little better.

But the way our planet is, teeming with life, vegetation etc, Earth is a suitable name. If everything was to become barren and we had to move away, perhaps then another name could be applied, but there would be little point and I think most people would still refer to it as Earth as their memories of the planet would be too strong.

Lets be honest, Earth isn't exactly a great place to live. We have pointless wars going on at the moment over oil, we're slowly killing the world's animal population and vegetation through global warming and human destruction in general, the world's economy is collapsing, half the leaders of countries are morons, we live in a prejudice, racists and sexist society (although we're slowly coming out of that bit). Crime is at an all time high.

I could go on and on tbh, but yeah, let us call Earth "shithole"

We wipe out the human race then it can continue to be called Earth :)

I think I was just pretty much summing up Britain rather than Earth in general. :gmonster:
I agree with Mercurial.

Earth has many war zones, therefore it should be called that. But its kinda harsh, so don't name it that. We should rename it Ares, after the god of War.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it I always say! Changing Earth's name to anything other than Gaia would break the pattern of naming planets after Roman gods, as Spandau Ballet mentioned, so I don't see any real point in changing it.
I'm okay with the name Earth but if I really had to choose then I'd pick Gaia,maybe cause it's less used than "Earth" and it sounds more uncommon.
I thought so too. Gaia could be used all over the world and might not have to be translated into every lenguage, like other names.
Earth is a different name in every country, same meaning nevertheless.
There's a series of books by Cliff McNish called The Doomspell Trilogy and one of the (many) planets is called Ithrea, which is an anagram of Earth with an added 'I'. I quite like the sound of it. :gmonster:
I really dont mind the name, Earth. To be honest, I never really though about it. It just didn't seem real important to me. Maybe if I thought about it more, I could come up with a better name. Earth is one of the smallest planets in the solar system. Which is not a major solar system in the Universe anyway. Maybe to us it is. But it really isnt.
Me too, I thought Earth by itself was a good enough name for most. I don't mind a change in name though.. Maybe to something Final Fantasy-like.. Gaia? Terra?

The Klingon homeworld. Space exploration is imminent, and it is necessary to prepare for it. We should also kill our god, and become an extraordinarily fierce warrior based society so as to scare the shit out of any would-be alien invaders.
I would call it " Gods playmat "

I really like to see how christians say god is all powerfull and protects us but in the bible you can see how many time has god killed the world just for fun " Anyone who does not obey me will suffer a cataclysmic death that will be remembered through out history" God JAja
Terra. It is the original name for earth. Before that there was no real name for it because people didn't think of it.
It is either Greek or Latin.
Well Gaia or Terra are both much better names trhan Earth, maybe because Earth is used a lot and Gaia and Terra not, but they sound more peacefull to me, Gaia tha land of magic the spirit of the Earth and Terra the mother Earth, the body of planet :O