What Would Be your Summons?


Jan 16, 2007
MIddle of no where NY
Ok 3 summons from ff10 what would you use?

Bahamut - because he is the best

Shiva - come on who would want a half naked ice goddess?

Yojimbo - because its a samurai who woops ass and saps all my cash >_<
Shiva - my favourite aeon in the game
Anima - shear power destroy everything
Braska's final aeon - never said I couldnt use him
Anima <3333333333 - Oblivion kicks arse
Ixion - Awesome Thunder Aeon!
Ifrit :3
i wud say for me that it is
yojimbo: his big overdrive kicks butt instant death its awesome
bahumut: cos he is an awesome aeon
valefor: cos he is the firs aeon and he is cool to me :D
Bahamut as my favorite, no questions asked.

But if I'm non-biased, Anima.

Then the Magus Sisters. I still find Cindy disturbing, even after FF4...
Bahamut - Cool arse kicking dragon who doesn't need a silly weapon to go over the damage cap :)

Anima - Oblivion is a monster of an attack. Plus it looks really cool and scary, especially the 'Dark' variation.

Shiva - Half naked ice-goddess. nuff said.

And in reserve should any accidently fall victim to Aeonitus, Ifrit.
Even though I really haven't played through 10 because I didn't really like it... The summons are the same in almost all the games. Plus I watched my friend play through 10. So:

Shiva: Is always my fav.
Bahamut: Because he is ubber powerful.
The Magus Sisters: Because IV was my first FF game. And it surprised me to see them. :)
All I need are the Magus Sisters. There are 3 of them, they do all the work by themselves, and they kick ass.
Anima - cuz she(the fayth is a woman ._.) is the best ever
Shiva - cuz she saved my life when I was fighting Seymour Natus(*O*)
Bahamut - cuz he saved my life when I was fighting Seymour Flux 2.(*O*)