What would you do if you met your favorite ff charaacter?

I'd ask if I can join them in one their adventures. Um, I still don't really know who's my ultimate favorite character...I have a lot, you see. It'd be great if I get to meet all of them though, lol. But -sigh- That'll only happen in my dreams.
I'd kill him and take his nubish powers, and then develop them for my own plans.
i'd freak out because i wouldn't know why i was talking to an animated character. and i'd be pretty afraid to take a buster sword to the face.
maybe being the vilian might be good too after beating the main characters i could rule their world
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Hmm... depends on who it was.

If it was Rydia I'd probably end up going fangirl and scare her away...

Faris, I'd be very shy and intimidated.

Yuffie, I'd go fangirl but she probably wouldn't mind as much, and we'd probably become good friends.
I have to favorites Sephiroth and Vincent of course so I would talk with them.....get to know them I would challenge them to a fight hoping not to get a Masamune in the face or a Bullet in the gut.
depends on
If it be Vincent , then I ask him to teach me how to become so agil.
and if its cloud , I'lkl challenge him to fight me .