What would you do if...

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
This was a fun little idea that I had. It works like this:

What would you do if:

-Sin existed
-Summoners were common, you could become one
-You could play Blitz

If people have more suggestions, I?ll add them to this first post, so new posters can see changes and additions.

I?ll start by asking the three above questions.
Sin:why do i have to be in the liftime with that monster?! Man my life sux
Summoners:Lol i would be one cause i have nothing else to do. Or i would rather be a gaurdain if i could
Blitz:.....Kick all @$$
-Sin existed Umm..I would be really angrey and most of the time sad
-Summoners were common, you could become one I would be a Guardien to a great summoner

-You could play Blitz I would not waste my time on this game wether playing it or watching it
1)OH MAN!! Gotta fight sin every 10 years??
2)WOOT! i'd definetly be one!!
3)WOOOHOO! who wants to join my team??
Sin existed: Probably be emo about it, mope around, etc.
Summoners existed, and became one: I'd not fight Sin, and basically do what Seymour did. :)
Blitzball: I'd indulge. Probably defense. I'd watch it all the time, too. Looks like it was the only entertainment Spirta had during the time of Sin anyway, so...
if sin exsisted: get inside it and try to control it from the inside.
summoners were common: become a guardian for one (possibly an evil one!)
you could play blitz: i'd definitely go and watch it but wouldnt play it.
What would you do if:
-Sin existed
The worse case scenario would be that I would lose faith in God and die pathetically amongst the chaos. If I keep my cool, the last thing I'd do is consider any form of religion as an explanation or solution. I'd most likely would live in a well protected area if I was forced to move out.

-Summoners were common, you could become one

I would not want the power to summon, that's the honest truth. If I had no choice but to join a pilgrimace, I'd likely join as a guardian.

-You could play Blitz

Oooh, I'd make out for hours! ;)
-Sin existed

I'd be sad and angry at the same time. I'd think that life was not worth living and I'd either be a summoner (to die) or become a guardian (to become the fayth).

-Summoners were common, you could become one

Hell yes! I'd be one with all those badass aeons!

-You could play Blitz

Ooooh, the only distraction from Sin. I'd play for the Besaid Aurochs or the Luca Goers! I'd be the best player there.
This would be cool
1- Well i would try to fight sin even though i would die miserbly
2- Cool! summons (bahamut) MEGA FLARE!!!
3- Blitzball rocks! I would try to learn jecht shot and level up to 99 lol
-Sin existed: Smack it down with my lucky stick
-Summoners were common, you could become one: Become a Summoner and be treated like VIP
-You could play Blitz:
Find a way to make moeny outta it
Sin Existed- Curse and blaime him for everything cause it makes a good excuse.

Summoners were common, you oculd be one: Maybe become one or a guardian I dont know. Depends on if I was only limited to teh Aeons from the game considering some of my favorites are missing.

You could play Blitz: Maybe try it out, though I wouldnt be very good I cant hold my breath long.

Possible questioni?
Would you sacrifice yourself to be the final Aeon?

What skills would you want?

Crusader, Chocobo Knight, or Yevonite?
-Sin existed- I would get really annoyed becuase i would have to fight it every ten years:mad:
-Summoners were common, you could become one- I would definatly become a summoner, i want to be able to summon aeons:)
You could play Blitz- I would join a team and kick the other teams butts:D
I'll expand my answer and also add to the questions.

If sin existed ~ I would try and keep a positive attitude. I wouldn't want my life to be full of pain and tears because this giant whale thing existed. I would leave each day as my last because you never know when he's going to come and kick your ass. I would also do my best to learn everything I can about him and thus come up with a stratedgy to defeat him.

Summoners were common ~ Again, I wouldn't become one, I don't want that sort of power or pressure on my shoulders. I would train to the max and protect one, and stick by them throughout the whole of their journey.

You could play Blitz ~ Again, be the best right forward there is. Although I wouldn't be a captain, I'd train as much as I can to be the star player.

Would you sacrifice yourself to be the final aeon? ~ If it was the only way then I would, being a guardian it would be my duty to help the summoner to the best of my ability. Although I'd try and find another solution first, I'm not ready to die :P

What skills would you want? ~ Erm, not sure what this question means. Skills as a final aeon? Just the power and the strength to defeat sin.

Crusader, Chocobo Knight, or Yevonite? ~ I would be a Chocobo Knight, I love the big yellow chicken look-alikes!! ^_^

Further question ~

If you were a character in the game, what would you look like and what abilities, weapons and attributes would you have?

My answer ~ I would be female, and I'm comfortable with how I look and so I would look like myself really. Brown eyes, dark in the middle and lighter around the edges, with green threads running through them. Long brown hair, (I'd have it straight not wavy though =P ) with red and blonde highlights. I would wear something like Yuna's songstress outfit in FFX-2, I think it's pretty.
My weapon would be a sword, probably something that looks like the Calabolg because it's blue and I love that to death. I'd make the blade clear though with water inside ~ so bascially a Brotherhood/Calabolg mix. My attributes would be agility, quick on the battle field and good at evading =P

Ff X

1)If Sin Existed*I Would Run Like Little School Girl*
2) If Youm Could Become A Summoner I Wouldn't My Time
3) I Would Join Besaid Aurochs
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