What would you want to see more in clothing stores?

What do you want to see more of in clothing stores?

  • Bigger or smaller sizes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • More shoes of some type

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bigger chaning rooms

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • More brands

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters


Dec 11, 2006
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
I know alot of people have the problem of not having their right sizes in clothes, or not the clothes that fit in some way. But what do you people want more of in stores?

What I mainly want, in the area around me, are clothes for girls that aren't so revealing and small. Alot of the clothing stores around my place have really tight to your body clothes, that usually end up revealing your belly or back, unless you get a baggy shirt. And then people just end up sayin' that you have no style. I end up looking at alot of guy clothes and thinking they'd be more comfortable just because of the fact they usually aren't as showing and their looser, but still with design. So, more sizes for girls.

Now that I'm done ranting, what are your alls' imputs?
I've got no complaints. I like wearing the things I wear. I like wearing long sleeved shirts but I don't do up the buttons. It's sad that some girls actually have to wear that stuff to impress someone. Personally I think it looks uncomfortable. I like to wear what ever is comfortable.
I never find clothing for my size all to big,i need always to make it smaller.So i stoped shopping and make clothing by my self now.
What do I want more of? Diversity. 'Mainstream' is taking over clothing shops in disastrous quantities. I don't want to have to see brand name clothing at every turn anymore...

A little less off t-shirts and long sleeves too. Just because they have a squiggly line or something, doesn't warrant it to cost me £20...
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In clothing stores, I want Punk Attire. Cheap, reasonable punk attire. Out here, the only shop that has anything like that is Hot Topic and
1. They're a bunch of greedy rotters who love to make you pay unreasonable amounts of money for something simple.
2. It's a big poser shop. There really actually isn't any punk clothing. It's all a bunch of bullshit.
There are a ton of more things that I'd like when I shop, the main thing being more money in my pocket. However, since that's not an option, I'm going to go ahead and vote for the "bigger changing rooms".

Warm regards,
I would like to see less holes in pants. It seems when I find a pair of pants I like, they always have some sort of rip or hole in it! I went into Aero once, and I could not find a single pair of jeans that did not have a rip or a hole in them.
^^ Lol, apparently that's in 'style'. Along with the paint dripplets on mens jeans. Arg, I can't stand it. I just want oversized XL dark jeans WITHOUT PAINT DROPS. Bastards.
Leather Trenchcoats, Spikes, Pants with chains, Awesome shirts that say rude and crude things on them, and awesome boots.:)
I just now remember one thing I am REALLY tired of. All the anime shirts that I'd love to get, they all have really good pictures or designs on them, and I love them. But the whole rest of the shirt is bloody, flippin' BLACK. I'm so tired of that color, it's used so much, and I don't even look good in black. I have only found one shirt of anime (Inuyasha) that had a design, and an actual colored cloth behind it. (brown)
Orange colored basketball shorts with white lining in them around th sewn areas! Freak'n Moses one day I searched everywhere at our mall (which sucks) and online and i could not find a decent looking pair of orange Basketball/casual summer shorts anywhere. Just plain orange if anything. Nothing fancy. Damnit, how hard is it...Grrrr...
I chose other. I'm not really interested in any of the choices, but what i would like to see is coats, jackets and other long sleeved items to have longer selves. I've complained about this before to my friends , and they always respond with just buy a bigger size shirt, but if i do that i would be swimming in an extra large, me being really skinny it looks silly, so all i need is a large with extra long arms...and that's what i would like to see in stores more often...
Bigger racks to hide in when my friends are taking to long and I get bored. ;)

Haha, that's awesome. I used to do that, but people look down me nowadays. Apparently, it's weird if you hide in them things if you're over the age of 10. Pff...

I'd like to see more people who hate shopping for clothing as much as I do in clothing stores. If you gotta suffer through pain, it helps if other people are suffering with you.
More bigger sizes. Im sick of shops like TopShop and New Look barely getting any bigger sizes of clothes in. They dont last 5 minutes as they are off the shelves as soon as they are put out. Its disgusting that their maturnity section is always overflowing, but never any decent bigger sizes in their latest brands.
I just want simple shirts , with no pattern, no bit of hanging rag on it, no slashes in it, just a nice simple shirt with no designer lable. that and a decent pair of black baggy jeans with some black boots.