What'd you name your characters?


Dec 11, 2006
Arkham Asylum, Gotham City
I've seen this in other threads, so I thought I'd put one here.

My first character's name was Link, then Leki, Fleck, and the one that got lost in the beginning, Cal.
My character name was and is lightangel. I named myslef that because my friend is Darkangel. I thought that I would be the opposite
in final fantasy 1 the characters didnt have any names, so i named them then, but i always give them there original otherwise. thats their name so leave it like that.
Firion - Bruno
Maria - Holy
Guy - Sairin
Leon - Ark

The first things that came to my head

Why name Characters, you always regret it...
i keep the default names because one time i didnt and my friend was trying to talk about the story with me and i was totally confused.
In most final fantasies (and Rpgs) I usually choose one character (usually the quietest, smartest, angriest who is not the main character) to represent myself and then name him appropriatly and then use him as the 'party leader'. I chose Leon. (Imagine my surprise when he disapeared for most of the game and then returned as a villian, kickass).
I thought the default names were the most hideous things ever. Even worse than FF5's "Butz".

Firion became Rynn.
Maria became Inala.
Guy became Mel.
Leon became Ekinu.
Hmmm, I had always thought you couldn't change the names of your characters in this game. Oh well, I've boughten the game but haven't gotten to playing it yet, I'll no doubt keep the default character names though.
Well, the defaults aren't so much defaults as they are commonly accepted names. They aren't already laid out like the names in FF4 or FF6. You still have total control over the naming process (at least in the NES version. I assume the same is true in the newer ones). Since FF2 is the first FF with an actual storyline, though, people use those names to make it easier to explain.

If you're playing the game with a walkthrough, the defaults might be helpful. But if you're tackling the Empire alone, then by all means, spice things up.