Whats in aurons bottle?

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iv always wondered whats in the bottle and i think it must be booze to keep him going with all the young character lol
I vote for sake. I tried that stuff once, tasted like kerosene. So definately flammable :cool: also, since his overdrive was bushido, and that's the samurai code/way of life *shrugs*

Btw, the ex-samurai/wandering samurai type is called a ronin. A samurai without a master. Basically a mercenary.
Sake, My dad had some, tastes likes airplane fuel mixed with apple juice which has been left for a week in the company of worms, or maybe that was just my dads "own brand" as such
well there are a lot of beer songs based on him so it could be.....BEER BEER BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its "pick your poison" is whats in the bottle.......you see he never actually drinks whats in it.......he spits it all out so its kind of like a russian roulette bottle.
How can dead men drink Sake. Auron carries his own soul in the bottle so he doesnt fade away.
Who's to say that it's some sort of drink? I don't think that at any point during the game you see him actually drink it? So what's to say that it isn't just something like lighter fluid?
I haven't played it in a long time either, but I thought the only time he does that is during one of his Overdrives? I'm most likely wrong though. Or maybe it is lighter fluid, and he just has really weird tastes xD.
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