FF Music Whats songs did you think was sad in FFX?


Oct 22, 2007
I cried allot of the song that was at the Al Bhed Base. That song really touched me allot.

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I cried allot of the song that was at the Al Bhed Base. That song really touched me allot.

That would be called "The Revealed Truth" I believe. *checks* Yes, that's right. :)

While some of the music was sad, I didn't feel an exact sadness. I was touched by the music. Other songs that made me feel the same way were To Zanarkand (which I can play on the piano! w00t), The Ending Theme and perhaps Suteki Da Ne, although that one's meant to be happy. ;)
you mean the one with rikku's theme? yup it's a nice one.

for me "This is your story" (the one playing during an early fmv with Auron) and People of the northern tribe(sounds cool).
To Zanarkand was a sad song in my opinion. The ending theme sounded sad too
......Game Over. :P

All-time Favorite ‘sad’ pieces: The Revealed Truth, A Dream That Will End Sometime, To Zanarkand & Suteki Da Ne (Orchestral Version).

Others: The Silence before the Storm (Somewhat), Sending to another Dimension, Gloom & Tragedy.
i thought "Wandering Flame" had a somewhat sad melody to it, but it was a very nice song though
The sadest song was the ending theme IMO, then there was A Dream that Will End Sometime (though I like to call it Sometime the Dream Will End), then Suteki Da Ne, and then To Zanarkand.
Suteki da ne and To Zanarkand are the saddest for me, I always have them on my playlist, they mellow me out when I'm pissed.
The Hymn of the Fayth is and ever shall be my favorite...saddedst song, yup I like sad songs
To Zanarkand definitly got me too. The Hymn of the faith was sad too. But To Zanarkand is one of my favourite pieces now.
I agree, that is definitely the saddest FF song I've heard. I was on the Tour De Japon thread and I heard their version of it, it actually made me cry:O

I don't know why but I also find Melodies Of Life to be sad, even though it's a nice love song. Strange, but it makes me quite choked up too.
Ending Theme
To Zanarkand
Wandering Flame
Silence before the storm

Sometimes Fantasy and Macalania Forest were kinda...mellow and sad like. =p.
I really don't consider Suteki Da Ne as a "sad" song, more as an enlightening one. After all, it's played when Yuna and Tidus are sharing a happy moment amidst all of the chaos of Spira.

The only songs I considered sad were 'To Zanarkand' and 'The Revealed Truth'.
Yup basically what all of you said. The transition between the ending song that plays during the final yuna/tidus scene and the end credit song Suteki da ne is what almost sent me over the edge. Very close but it was all inside...