What's the hardest thing in FFX?

I didn't even bother with Chocobo racing or Blitzball because they were just so damn difficult for me. Other than that, I had a lot of trouble with fighting against the Dark Aeons and Seymour. I found the fight against him in Bevelle especially difficult. He just wouldn't stop casting Break D:
The hardest thing for me was in the Macalania woods the spot where you need to go up the path that is for some reason hidden. Oh my god!!!! it took me days to realize to go up.

And also Penance, the Primers and figuring out the door in Sin with the 10 Fiends.
Aparently, Penance is the hardest monster without Zanmoto'n him. I would have to say Seymour Flux (only if you dont train alot before hand and you just use flee for every battle)
Dark Aeons by far,you have to train so much to beat them all
Agreed, I never even bothered with the Dark Aeons after attempting to defeat Dark Valefor. That was completely hopeless for me because my characters were very weak and I didn't last very long against it at all!

I also was awful at Blitzball which is sad because a lot of people go on about how easy it is! Every time I played a match, I would lose. I think I need a lot of training to play that game. I am not too fond of it though.. probably because I'm bad at it! :lol:

Dodging lightning wasn't easy for me as well, I could dodge so many but then I would get struck. I never bothered with that little side quest because I found it pretty boring over all. Maybe I should give it another try sometime! :P
I don't have the international or japanese version I have the american version so there is no Dark Aeons on my game. Aside from those I'd say that beating Seymour Flux + Mortiorchis on top of Mount Gagazet was the biggest challenge.
I didn’t really find anything that hard in this one except for the first time battle with Yunalesca. If anything, I found things more tedious then hard. Some examples would be fully completing everyone’s Sphere Grids and completing the Monster Arena.
the hardest things in all of spira were doing the sidequests necessary to get everyones powerups for their celestial weapons. lightning dodging, chocobo racing, butterfly catching, and playing tons of blitzball games were tough tasks. but in the end it was worth it, since i think FFX has the best and most beneficial ultimate weapons in the series.
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there is nothing really hard in this game imo it just take patients not skill like most final fantasy (not really a bad thing)
I found dodging 200 lighting bolts harder than beating penance :/
I found blitzball easy but thats just because i only lved up tidus, so he would be 40 lvs above the rest of them ^_^.
For me it was trying to play blitzball, it just confused me so much and I totally sucked at it!
Also, the sphere grid confused me. Only because I was used to sorta simple ways of levelling.
But in actual gameplay, I'll have to go with everyone else and say Dark Aeons lol.
That darn sphere grid. ¬_¬ I truly despised it. xP It sorta ruined the overall enjoyment for me.
Lol as long as you know what to do against the dark aeons and penance they are fairly easy.

The butterfly mini-game is hard as well :monster:
Sphere Grid and Blitz Ball tournaments,............... but who can forget trying to translate Al' Bhed?
Chocobo race for me too, evading lighting was easier than that, hell Nemesis was easier than the damn race :D
A lot from this game seemed hard for me. I never got any celestial weapons, I unlocked only 3 monsters in the arena, I defeated Omega with Zanmato, I run away from every Malboro fight, I got my arse kicked like ten times by Seymour Flux, I never beaten a single dark aeon and I didn't even unlocked Anima and The Magus Sisters....so I kinda think the whole game is hard.:P
Hahahaha, but nah it's not to hard, you just have to put some time in it. Yes there are hard stuff, but most of them are extra that you can do with out and still finish the game.
the chocobo minigame for tidus was hell so was the butterfly one nemesis was too easy i dont know about the aeons cause i have the us version
the chocobo race was a pain and i almost gave up, but keep at it you will do it eventually!!! butterfly hunting defo sucked. I didnt find blitzball too hard after i'd won afew matches.

Dodging 200 lightning bolts in a row was an absolute NIGHTMARE!!!

Some of them monster arena monstersare a pain in the backside aswel, but they are a walk in the park compared to dark bahamut who i have been stuck on for a good long while.....grrr then its on to dark anima , magus sisters and penance *gulp* I dread to think how hard they are.....

A lot from this game seemed hard for me. I never got any celestial weapons, I unlocked only 3 monsters in the arena, I defeated Omega with Zanmato, I run away from every Malboro fight, I got my arse kicked like ten times by Seymour Flux, I never beaten a single dark aeon and I didn't even unlocked Anima and The Magus Sisters....so I kinda think the whole game is hard.:P

lol, i HATE marlboros
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