What's the longest and shortest time its taken you to finish FF VII?


Oct 4, 2007
Maryland, US
Whats the longest and shortest times it has taken you to finish FF VII?

I'm only on the 1st time with FF VII but so far i've played about 90 hours. I've gotten almost every type of materia and summon (except for 2 of the summons), breeded and got a gold chocobo, and many other side quests, and that is why it's taken me so long to finish it. What about you?
Hmm... This is going back a few years.

Let's see, the longest time I spent on VII was roughly 100 hours and (obviously) that was from doing just about everything there is to do... However, aside form the storyline, I've yet to actually complete everything 100%. :shame:

The shortest was around 45 hours -- Doing only what was necessary for completing the storyline.
Longest was about....80 hours. This game file had characters up to level 80-85ish. All quests and bosses completed. (Except for the final of course.)

Shortest...50 hours with just some quests completed. I believe my characters were only level 50-60sih.
I think I clocked in 100+ hours. It was also my only playthrough so far. I would like to play it again except I can't due to my memory card fucking up on me.
Well my longest was 99.99 because that is the limit that the clock goes. But my shortest was 34 hours with a lv 46 party.
longest = 86.7 hours clocked it :) (Party was lvl 56 when i finished.
shortest = 57.8 hours (getting nothing and just doing the story and party was lvl 47)
Longest was 60 odd, doing everything (or nearly). Shortest was 35ish, just doing the story and a few important side quests (KOTR, most notably). Party was lvl 40-ish.
easy when you have played it at least 3 times over you can run through the game with ease (just the storyline). My 4th time i done it in about 37 hours:rolleyes:
Haha yeah like Ph4ntom said, it gets easier the more times you complete it. Don't end up rushing though, you'll end up making mistakes and come to hate the game :p
I think I got somewhere around 100 hours for the longest run through, in which I did every possible thing there was to do, and about 40-something in the shortest.
My longest time was somewhere around the 90 hour mark, but as most people have said, that's including all of the side quests, materia etc...
Shortest time was about 40 hours, which I was pleased with ^^.
Meh I got 34 first time because I always try to complete games as fast as possible :monster:
Not to mention that FF7 is easy
The shortest was probably the first time I played it - Around 60 hours with no guide.

The longest would be around 100hours.
well im actually playing through the game right now and trying to do everything there is and im about half way through disc 1 at about 10 hours ;)
Hmm probably about 85 hours for longest, and i had done everything possible. And shortest was about 45..characters bout level 55 i think..
Shortest : 23:15
Longest : 98:30

Good Times on both files, seeing as how Shortest just made the game so much harder, actually using spells and summons instead of just attacking. I want to break the 12:59 Limit though, I heard someone got there, they're like level 30, which is amazing...