What's the longest and shortest time its taken you to finish FF VII?

well 42 is my shortest, i'm impressed I still remember that but someone at school asked me LOL and they said they had completed it quicker, longest is roughly 100 hours trying to master materia and whatnot (which I never managed thru losing my memory card grr)
My personal best back when it was the only game I played was about 18-20 hours. It was just going through the bare minimum and getting to the end. My longest time..is currently 59 hours going on 60. I'm busy morphing Unknowns for Sources and trying to get the Final Attack Materia along with beating both Weapons. For some reason my game wont let me get the Final Attack Materia T_T
If your using the guide its not where it says it is, which I guess doesn't help, I know its either the choco races or the battle arena, can't remember which, well, its wherever ever the guide says it isn't o_O
Have you got that second lot of items that it shows with the omni slash??? Cause it could be on that page? (If there IS 2 pages I can't quite remember)
12hrs and 38mins says my save data, thats at the point just before you fight the last Jenova boss. I wanted to play through the game again to refresh myself on the storyline before AC was released but I didn't wanna waste my time with the weapons and collecting all the materias again so I just zoomed through the storyline. It's a pretty short game if you don't do any optional things throughout.
I've only completed the game once, took about 45 hours.

I was trying to complete the game for a second again, this time completing all the side quests, including defeating all WEAPONs.

I got to about the 75 hour mark, all I had to do was get Knights of the Round, then defeat Emerald and Ruby, then the comparitively easy task of beating Sephiroth. But what did I do? Saved my friend's new game over mine!!! I was speechless for hours, and spent the rest of the day in a daze.

I also did the exact same thing on Final Fantasy 10! So I wasted about 150 hours in total.

I've since learnt to save my progress on 2 files (3 to be extra safe).

I am going to start a new game on FFVII tonight, and I aim to complete everything. Wish me luck!!
On my last playthrough when I was going for 100%, my game time was around 80 hours I think. I can't remember the time for my first playthrough.
it took me about 110 hours to finsh the game 100%
but then it only took me about 50 hours to do it but i did have like 75%
so it was worth the extra hours of training and exploring in my mind
I only played once on a complete playthrough and I finished off the final boss at around the 35 hour mark. I think the majority of time was spent trying to get the damn Gold Chocobo though...
Fastest time ive seen on record is about 7.5 hours. There are downloadable videos too if anyone wants evidence, though i havent watched them myself, but as its an officia game challenge website i trust the times.

Anyway, im going to try and beat that... At the mo ive done up to leaving 7th heaven in just under 30 mins... not good enough, but random encs make it very luck based.

My current game is at 29hours and im about to hit Gongoda (sp?) Quite overlevelled, with everything i can get a that point, almost.