whats the longest time you have spent on a game?

I wouldn't doubt he could do it without sleep. When D'lain has his mind set on finishing a game, he will do it and won't let anything get in his way. I know this from experience.
I think the longest I ever spent playing a game was about 80+ hours on a single save for FFX. It was mostly due to blitzball. Scouting the world and building everyone to level 99 and learning all their techniques.
The longest time I have spent on one save game file would be around 100 hours with FFX due to it's extensive side quests.

The longest time I have spent on one game would be FFIX due to the fact that I've played it through more than any other FF title. A close second would be FFVII; though it's my favorite title...I do tend to abuse my copy by leaving it to collect dust on the shelf. =x
I can safely say that I have spent around 300 hours on FFVII and/or FFIX apiece.

The amount of time that I have spent playing Final Fantasy is immeasurable. I KNOW I've alloted more than 1000 hours on Final Fantasy. I've been playing since I was 11 years old. Maybe 1000 hours is an under-estimate...but I know that's a safe number.
for ff7 99:99 (alot more than that but thats the limit)
ff8:134 hours
ff9:87 hours
ff10:230 hours
ffx-2:220 hours
ff12:113 hours
mgs3:35 hours (completed it 7 time on euro extreme ^_^ )
DMC3:67 hours on DMD mode
gran turismo 4: ??? must be around 50 hours :'(

there are more but i cant think
The longest I've ever spent on any game would be somewhere around 130 hours. That was on Okami, which is, in my book, the greatest game of all time. That 130 hours comes from playing through three times and getting all the Stray Beads and upgraded Celestial Brush powers. It's just so addictive :3

After that would come FFX and FFXII, which I've spent 90 hours each on.
Final Fantasy VII, pretty much for three days with the odd break for sleep. It was part of a bet with my flatmate though, I wouldn't spend that sort of time on VII by choice. Apart from that....probably Dynasty Warriors 3, I played that whenever I could get within 10 metres of it when I first got it, I'm not sure of the exact time count.
How do you guys do it? I can only stand playing a game for about 4 Hours.

Longest Play time Clocked is about 6 Hours on FF12 Straight.
i have done almost 5 days straight on ff12 trying to complete everything
i think the total time was.....114 hours aroundabouts
I smell bullshits. That's physically impossible to sit in front of your PS2 and play it for 114 hours, without stopping. Your body couldn't take the strain.
the longest time ive spent on a game was 250+ hours. the game was oblivion and i happen to still be playing it. if you havent played it yet, i recommend that you give it a try :D
Id say it was on World of Warcraft and it was about 7 hours straight, trying to level up into my 50s!
Haha fuck yeah, this game will eat up anyone's life in a heartbeat. I was going to call out on Word of Warcraft too. I've been playing it constantly for almost two years now. The longest stint of time I spent on it was one weekend I stayed up almost nonstop for 3 days...the thursday I got home from work, all night well into friday night past midnight, took a little catnap and I got back up and spent the rest of that night and all of saturday playing again until I had to get in bed for work the next morning. I was on my paladin who was 34 at the time and I got that bastard up to 40 by running Scarlet Monastery over and over and over again with the same random group of players for a whole 3 day span that I'd never met before at all. That was the perfect PuG ever.
i think i had upwards of 200 hours in Pokemon Gold, but I'm not quite sure, because i turned on my Gameboy the other day to play gold, and my saved file is GONE! i know my Pokemon Sapphire has 135 hours on it, and Final Fantasy VIII has like 98 hours or something like that
I spent over a hundred hours on Final Fantasy VIII because I had the habit of leaving the game running all day without pausing it and I would walk away and do something else. The time was insanely high when I finally finished the game anyway lol.

If you are talking about hours spent in a row, well then it would probably be around four or five I suppose. I can't really handle more than that, I have to take breaks and stuff!
Most was about 180 hours on FFX...but not of course in one go...lol :D....otherwise I would be blind by now and insane...

But I play when I am free from uni and everything else, about 3-4 hours average per a day....
If we're talking about time in one sitting, then I'd say around 6-8 hours while playing FFX. If we're taling about overall time, I'd guess it's about 80 hours for Front Mission 3 or Vagrant Story.
My longest is 90 hours on FFVII and 84 hours on FFXII. Although Pokemon Diamond is catching up, 54 hours and i still have to do the elite 4 D:

Shion how did you manage to do 200 hours? Thats like...insane :lol: