What's the worst and most disgusting thing you've eaten?


White Mage
Apr 7, 2007
Newcastle, NSW Australia
The most disgusting thing I've eaten is probably Durian Fruit... one bite and spat it straight out... just, yuck...

I am not willing to try Balut... (partly formed duck embryo... :blink:
LMAO Clyde! :lol:
I've vowed never even to sink my teeth into durian fruit, I mean, I tried eating the candy, and I threw up 10 minutes later. :S
Balut just looks nasty, no matter what my mom and dad tells me it tastes like.

Another thing, broccoli, good for you, but it's incredibly bland and hard on the tongue. So is cucumber for me.
Then there's the time last night when I thought I was eating lamb and then my aunt suddenly blurts out:

"Oh, Jay, I didn't know you ate 'tongue'."
And I was like: ------> :| :blink:
the most disgusting thing I ever saw Is ppl amking dog meat. I saw the picture on the internet. The dog fur was being incinerated and the meat hung upside down on these special friges. That is what they prabably do in the dog pound -_- Such a cruelty... Who would eat dog meat anyway? :blink: *shivers*
Oh yeah, I've never eaten dog meat. I'm just saying that there is such thing
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The most disgusting thing I've ever ate would be Alligator. :sick:

Actually, I was tricked into trying it. Not knowing what it was, I almost threw up cause it tasted like a rotten piece of chicken turned into rubber.

Either it wasn't made right or Alligator is an acquired taste, but in my opinion, it's was the most disgusting thing I had ever eaten.
I would agree, but it's quite healthy. Squid, I mean.

And dog? It's quite common back where I used to live, I saw how they 'prepared' but I'll spare you the details. I didn't eat dog, by the way, seeing where they usually like to go during their spare time, I wouldn't even think twice about not eating one. :sick:

How 'bout grasshopper? In a chocolate bar that your cousin gives to you pretending it's regular Snickers.
I would never try whale... they actually have whale burgers in Japan

and where I used to live in the fils, I saw a dog getting cooked right near my place... I didnt think much of it at the time.
I would never try whale... they actually have whale burgers in Japan

and where I used to live in the fils, I saw a dog getting cooked right near my place... I didnt think much of it at the time.

Have you ever seen how they do it? :sick:
It's disgusting, just thinking about it now.

And Whale Burgers?
What in the world, I would understand shark fin, but whale burgers just sounds weird. I saw this one show on the Discovery Channel where this one guy tried to go find rare delicacies everywhere.

He tasted 'sewer rat fried' once. Yuck.
Then there was chicken, but every single part of the fowl. >_<
Yeah, I've heard of dolphin being eaten, just another testament to how much people actually consume and the wide spectrum of food that we can actually eat and digest right.

Also, turtle and turtle eggs, I mean, the species is already endangered, what's the point of killing so much more when there are abundant alternatives?
Apparently, it's quite a delicacy.

Then there's fried bat, which is also kept as a pet in some parts of Southeast Asia.

And you know those quail egg soup or whatever soup in Chinese restaurants? The ones you get in the restaurant aren't the real thing, the real thing is made from the spit of the actual bird.
Something you'd like to know before you make the mistake of buying on the roadside sometime. :sick:

I know many more. ;)
My grandmother cooks amazing food, so everything she cooks is the best thing Ive ever eaten ^_^

As for most disgusting, it has to be taramasalata. That horrible pink smelly fish dip that smells like a "lady wrestlers crotch area" as my ex's mum once put it!
^"like a lady wrestlers cortch area"

very very off putting... unless they were bikini babes wrestling in Jelly or something lol...

and as what warbourne said... bat soup made of their spit... who the hell thinks of these dishes!!!
1) Prunes

2) Raw pig meat

Incidentally, I'm the type of person who HATES eating dirty animals like pigs and chickens. I looooooooathe anything but sliced ham and burnt bacon.
One day, when my bf and I first got together, we went over to his mom's place for a visit. She told me she just finished cooking...
See...whenever she says "I cooked" it means..."you better eat it".
So she handed me this atrocious looking lump of soggy meat. She was just looking at me, so...I ate it...almost threw up, choked it down...it was the most discusting thing I'd ever tasted.
Later on, I asked my bf wtf that was and he said it was raw pig meat in gravy. :sick:
Pigs really are discusting. =x
I can't eat bacon unless it's burnt to a crisp. lol.

But for some reason, I don't find sliced ham to be quite as repulsive. XD
The most disgusting thing I've ever ate would be Alligator. :sick:

Actually, I was tricked into trying it. Not knowing what it was, I almost threw up cause it tasted like a rotten piece of chicken turned into rubber.

Either it wasn't made right or Alligator is an acquired taste, but in my opinion, it's was the most disgusting thing I had ever eaten.

I've never eaten the actual alligator, but I've eaten alligator tail. The way you're describing the way the alligator tastes, is nothing like alligator tail. The tail actually tastes like spicy lobster. A little butter and garlic and it's delicious.

Anyways, the worst thing I've ever tasted was sushi. My girlfriend at the time and my sister, were sushi enthusiasts or something. They talked me into eating some, and wow......I think the sushi played a major role in our break-up.