What's the worst and most disgusting thing you've eaten?

let me think. a few hours ago I ate a chocolaty, crispy creamy desert ^_^ then I found out that those crispy parts were coackroches.... It was disgusting, but tasty

Are you serious? I've heard of grasshoppers being put into chocolate but cockroaches? :blink:
That's just disgusting, IMO, and if you don't already know my take on cockroaches, it's still easy to understand why. xD
For me it is probably quicksand from a quarry. It was green and white and it tasted so bad i went over to the lake and drank from it.
Actually I went to an asian store about a month ago...they sell cockroaches. =/ They were frozen and placed among the fish. That's really gross... cockroaches are the most dirtiest creatures ever. Why eat them? I don't get it. Even if it's tasty...it's a damn cockroach!!!
I don't get it either. I have no clue what in the world the nutritional value of a cockroach would be like. I assume less carbs or something. xD
Either that or they just died there and no one noticed...is that the case? or were they actually selling them? How much? xD
Actually my friend gave me some water which was filled with salt and i drank a huge gulp and swallowed it. I was sick afterwards.
Chitlins (Sp?) Basically its intestines, cow or pig I think. ehh...Anyways alot of people eat them. They are served at cookouts and whatnot. They look like a pile of big noodles. I thought mmm I'll try that. OMFG!! they taste so freakin gross. I gagged instantly and never wanted them again.
I don't get it either. I have no clue what in the world the nutritional value of a cockroach would be like. I assume less carbs or something. xD
Either that or they just died there and no one noticed...is that the case? or were they actually selling them? How much? xD

Lol they were wrapped in a plastic. A whole bunch of them. So yes, they were selling them alright. I didn't notice how much - I was really traumatized at the fact that they'd actually sell those...

And uh, even if they have less carbs...so what? There's other food out there with less carbs as well...and I'm sure they don't related to any tiny disgusting creatures. =/
I don't eat a whole lot of foods so my answer is kinda boring =/ but this one time my mother decided to buy these packaged mash potatoes from the grocery store, they looked fine but they were the salitiest things on earth! so much so that i think that only incredient was salt. and it was cooked in salt. Blah, i can't look at any food from that store the same.
Hand lotion.

No really. We were in this cheese-tasting place in Holland and I saw this pot of what I deemed to be honey. Of course it was a 'testing sample' and naturally I dipped my finger in, got a huge dollop and ate it.

I'm telling you, it was definitely NOT honey. Made from bee's wax, apparanrtly... I recall running around eating as much smoked cheese as I could to get rid of the taste of godamn ahdn lotion, not that the mild flavour did anything useful. I also remember yelling "POISON! POISON!" loud as I could just before I ran out and threw up almost all over a duck in the stream just outside.

Good times. *nod*
I ate a live worm once for a bet three years ago. I was at a party and a guy said he'd pay me $100 to eat a live worm and I think I can stand eating a live worm for $100 and the only thing is I couldn't throw up or else I wouldn't get it. I tried to just swallow it without chewing it because I know I would have thrown up if I chewed it, and I could feel it wiggling all the way down. But I only had to suffer for 5 min and I got $100!
I took a fruitcake out of the freezer one time and took a bite out of it once it was all warm. I had no idea what it was at the time, but it was nasty as hell.
The traditional Irish sausages... The fattest and juiciest of all. *barfs*
Feta cheese is RANK, I put an olive in my gob once, and it was so gross I spat it acrosss the table (oh yes, I was in a restaurant aswel :wacky: )

And Tuna......I hate hate hate hate HATE tuna ewwwww
Mac n' cheese. That stuff makes me want to puke my innards all over the place.

The smell alone turned my stomach. I was an idiot for eating it.
I ate chalk once. Um...it actually tasted pretty good. I'd probably do it again....

My kinda gal :wacky:

I'l put anything in my gob if it looks interesting. Altho a couple of friends shared a slug once, eugh

OMG Iv just remembered something gross my mumm told me I did when I was little :wacky:

I ate cat poo *hangs head in shame*
^ Omg!!! What is wrong with you?!?!?! :D

We have this thing called pacha here, basically it's a bowl of fat that looks like jelly, with some pork or whatever meat you make it from, bits... Tried it once.. swore to never try it again :).
I blame my motherr for not keeping a good enough eye on my investigative toddling self

I'm so glad I don't remember doing it :wacky: I almost died when she told me I was in the litter tray >_<