What's the worst way you got killed?


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 29, 2007
Just re playinf FF10 and got to the bit where you get inprisonned at Bevelle and thrown into via purifico...

At the start you play only wth yuna...so all alone :)) Anyways as i hate yuna on this game and send rikku to heal in the grid i leave yuna to level by herself which she's no good at doing so she ends up with roughly 950HP...

First boss : the short strong monster that shoulder budges you (auron takes care of his hard defense to pearce through) and the flying eye, so he shoulder barges me 550dmg the flying eye hits me for 360HP = 910HP and i'm relieved i'm not dead ;) but of course the flying eye put stars around my head so yuna go's nut's and decides to do a critical hit on herself for 51...And that's It my first, stupidest, ridiculous, most embaraissing death in FF10 lol

Let's hear about yours :)
mine would have to be... i just beat the airship boss before the wedding... get to the wedding and before i can save (note : 2 out of 3 charaters were confused) i had 151hp left (with my none confused charater (which is rikku) then tidus ( 10x stonger than my rikku attacks) himself (he dies) then rikku dies (enemy) and i'm left with wakka (all my other charaters were dead at the time) he attacks an enemy (yes...) (oh yeah did i mention wakka was posined!!! but he manged to survive it) then he gets attacked 5hp left... then bam he ends up killing himself (after a boss that took me 50 tries to defeat (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) :)
Humm...i guess the most annoying way i got killed was against Yunalesca that evil witch:mad:

It was the first time i was facing her i defeated her first form withought much of a problem. I use three summons to finish off her second form.

I thought it was over...then all of the sudden a third form comes along:O

Most of my characters were silenced and add the zombies status on them....so i summon Valefor and use his overdrive on Yunalesca but she survives and injures Valefor in two rows so i use Ixion the only summon i had left who gets immediately dispatched as well. So i start hitting her with Auron and Kimahri the two main strikers but she makes them both confused:blink:

So Auron kills Kimahri and then i call Wakka forth who gets confused also...result Auron kills himself and Wakka dies after a Yunalesca atack.:dry:

Did not even get the chance to change the party...oh well i made sure i avenged myself the next time:cool:
mine would have to be killing yunalesca also. That women is hard as heck im tellin u
Yunalesca is pure evil in a word .Megadeath, zombie attacks and her uber high hp on alll 3 stages. I died on megadeath the first time but the worst defeat ive had was with seymore 2nd. I survived total anialation but got killed when he hit me with the stick thing that he has. the second time i wiped the floor with him, twice just because i could.
Yunalesca >_< Megadeath is so cheap!

luckily i learned from that mistake and always leave Auron and Lulu in zombie state :)
i was wondering about bikanel island thinking i was invincible, yes i had a whole 9999 health for all characters and did like 8000 damage with atacks good huh?:rolleyes:

wel i then runs into dark ifrit who killed me in no less than 3 seconds.
Omega Dungeon. Fighting Great Malboro with Yuna, Rikku, and Tidus. Bad Breath comes up, Rikku & Tidus get confused. Yuna just goes berserk. Rikku attacks & misses Yuna with Godhand. Yuna Hits and kills Rikku with Nirvana. Tidus hits and kills both Yuna and himself. THE most hilarious yet humiliating loss of life I have ever seen.
In ol Omega dungeon. With Rikku, Yuna, and Khimari. All have their celestial weapons maxed, max health, 99999, and there comea a Great Malabro that AMBUSHES me, BAD BREATH, then whats that? Yuna kills everyone in 3 hits? Oh my!

Saddest death ever. Personally, Yunalesca was preatty easy... no I am not lying, she was. First try and I beat her, round 5-10 minutes.

Sancuary keeper right outside of when you leave Gagazet Mountain, killed one hit. Stupid laser attack. my frist time through the game, also my frist death. I weeped. I cried. Then I threw my controller at the wall. Heheh... >o<
I hate dying the same way i die the First and second times. Third time i get really annoyed. by the fourth try ive had all i can take, i start screaming at the television and my mom and Dad are in histerics staring at me like " what the hell was that all about...???" So i shut it off, and im staring at the console and my surround-sound system thinking " I can do it. I can kill the Ultima Buster." I turn it back on, and continue where i last left off.....I die the same way i did the last 4 freakin times, then im off to best buy to buy a new controller and console.

This was back then. I dont die anymore, which is good for me and my wallet! XD
Great Malbourough

I think most everyone is in agreement that the Malbourough was the hardest regular creature to "just run into". If you are not prepared and not leveled up enough, it is an instant death.....It killed me a few times but so did that creature that hits you with meteor shower as its last attack. If you are not strong enough this move kills everything, including itself.
First time in the Omega Ruins I had spent over an hour navigating and trying to make the whole map viewable, and right before I got to Ultima, I was wiped out by a Marboro. Damn thing had to wait until the very end before he showed up and I had to go back and do all that junk over again. Major "pissed off" after that.
Ultima Weapon. Gahhh I made it through the dungeon, just to get freakin wiped out. I'm such a loser. >_<

Lol i just went back and whooped his ass :]]]]
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On the sanctuary keeper (big dog thing just before Zanarkand) you cast reflect on him, and his healing and hastes go to you. Of course, I forgot, and even with shell, managed to double-ultima my own team. Owned - doh...​

That's a good one, made me chuckle :P

Mine would be on Cid's Airship, I got ambushed by 3 Evil Eyes and they just happened to confuse all my characters who were rediculously powerful for that stage of the game (my Auron could do almost 7000 damage with one attack) so they went mad and started killing each other off :dry:
well a good one is obviously Malboro's bad breathe.
another is when i forget to save the game and run out of items, go into the next room only to battle that Boss right before making your way to Zanarkand, with out knowing it >.<
Fighting Great Malboro!!! he was always ambushed me and done bad breath!!!!!!!!!!! it always got wakka and auro confused and poisend and tidus berseker'd and auro would always attack wakka and kill wakka then he would kill him self and then thier was no way of getting tidus outta berserker!!!!! i HATE! FIGHTING!! GREAT MELBORO!!!!!!!!!!