What's the worst way you got killed?

Or getting annihilated by dark bahamut when you didn't expect (just wanting to get the sun crest) then he comes and you die in 1 hit :/

Of course i gained stats and destroyed him next time ^_^
Sancuary keeper right outside of when you leave Gagazet Mountain, killed one hit. Stupid laser attack. my frist time through the game, also my frist death. I weeped. I cried. Then I threw my controller at the wall. Heheh... >o<

To make this battle a little easier, cast reflect on your party. To get rid of the curse i THINK you use a Holy Water.

Suggestion: To have Blitz Ace and be able to deal 99999 damage.

Ive created weapons that are much better then the Celestial Weapons.Armor Too.

To beat Malboros, you need to have armor that protects against Darkness, Confusion,Berserk, and Poison. If you have a five slotted piece of armor then might i suggest equipping something useful to it that you could only use in the Omega Ruins, like Lightening Proof (all enemies use Strong Lightening Magic) or PetrifyProof.

Going into the Omega Ruins is a BIG TIME bonus for both AP and GIL. So try making weapons with Gillionaire and Double/Triple AP.
Mimics are a GREAT example of earning EXTREME amounts of GIL with a decent amount of AP....BUT, if you have Gillionaire and Double/Triple AP weapons on, then you should have no problems with money or moving around the Sphere Grid! XD C ya
Mine is in MT Gagezet. When I was against Nidhogg, Bandersnatch and Mech Leader. I had Tidus, Rikku and Auron. Nidhogg did his fire breath and made everybody HP go down. Mech leader elotrecuted Wakka a couple of times and killed him. Nidhogg killed rikku with his physical attack. Bandersnatch bit Auron and Killed him:O
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To make this battle a little easier, cast reflect on your party. To get rid of the curse i THINK you use a Holy Water.

Suggestion: To have Blitz Ace and be able to deal 99999 damage.

:blink: What the, dude, I don't think anyone by the time they got out of mount Gagazet the first time could do over 9999 damage... without the aids of Aeons, I mean just normal attacking!
My most embarrassing death would be when I was fighting Jecht and I'm doing fine up to the point where he pulls out that sword from his chest and does that slash attack that hits everybody. I was so ticked off.:mad:

:blink: What the, dude, I don't think anyone by the time they got out of mount Gagazet the first time could do over 9999 damage... without the aids of Aeons, I mean just normal attacking!

If you have someone's ultimate weapon then it has the ability to let you break the damage limit.
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Well well, I think its safe to say that Great Marlboro is the most popular fiend ever devised by the Square masterminds lol:P

Yeah I hate those things, ever since I first got annihilated by one in VII.
And its carried on to X (which is the last FF I've played so far) :mad:

So naturally I got pissed when it wiped me out again in Omega Dungeon, seeing as I've just had the mind to go:
Oh I'll heal everyone back up to full strength (9999)
*random battle track*
DOH! It got me again.

And I just finished exploring too >_<
Originally posted by Carrier of Hope
Omega Dungeon. Fighting Great Malboro with Yuna, Rikku, and Tidus. Bad Breath comes up, Rikku & Tidus get confused. Yuna just goes berserk. Rikku attacks & misses Yuna with Godhand. Yuna Hits and kills Rikku with Nirvana. Tidus hits and kills both Yuna and himself. THE most hilarious yet humiliating loss of life I have ever seen

What the? Were you playing the same game with me? The only difference was that Rikku killed Tidus with Godhand, and Yuna killed Rikku in retribution. Then GM had a Yuna steak, extra rare......Guess the GM has killing nosy adventurers down to a science....
i just got done getting a perfect race for this sun sigil which took about an hour and a half went looking for the calastial mirror only to find out that i cant open on my way to save i got jumped by a malboro who imidiatley used poison breath to poison and confuse all my characters who ended up killing themselves and i was pissed because i didnt save after getting the sun sigil
Ok... I got slaughtered by a SNOW FLAN! In Mt Gagazet.... I am ashamed... It happened a few times too. Because I was taking risks, doing the fights quickly, wanting to get ahead..
Also a Nidhog or whatever it is called, it used it's Fire breath, and everyone's HP went down.. I had Rikku, Auron and Lulu I think... Rikku died and I used Phoenix down on her and.... IT DID IT AGAN!!! And

Ok... I got slaughtered by a SNOW FLAN! In Mt Gagazet.... I am ashamed... It happened a few times too. Because I was taking risks, doing the fights quickly, wanting to get ahead..
Also a Nidhog or whatever it is called, it used it's Fire breath, and everyone's HP went down.. I had Rikku, Auron and Lulu I think... Rikku died and I used Phoenix down on her and.... IT DID IT AGAN!!! And then I died.
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This is the reason why I stopped replaying FFX. Right after I killed Omega Weapon I was running back to the save point. Literaily, a few steps from the save point I got into a random encounter with a Grand Malboro. ....Bad breath owned me.... *cries*
For dark aeons you easily need BHP and BDL to actually stand a chance.
I had anima on 255 strength and 20k of health and i struggled to defeat dark ifrit
my worst loss would be Dark Shiva.
I jst got into battle and was fighting well and then she cast Dimond Dust and killed 2 out of 3,
Then i thought oh great she done that i will be able to heal
because usually aeons need like 3 turns to rest after an overdrive, but nope she ran forwards and kicked hell out of me
i got killed in the dumbest way
i was at besaid just after you get yuna an after the combat lessons then i got killed i was gutted lol
Those guards at Bevelle drove me mad! I really can't stand fighting them because they just keep attacking you and knocking down HP quickly. I don't think I ever got killed by them though.

One of the worst ways I died was by a Malboro near the end of the game, I got so mad because I had to start that part all over again. It used Bad Breath and I had about three or more status ailments which eventually killed my whole party, I tried switching my people but it failed to work! I hate those stupid things lol, they just mess up your people with a ton of status ailments. >_<

A pathetic way I died was going against Dark Valefor when my characters were only weak so they died in about five seconds! I didn't have much of a chance to hurt it. :P
The dumbest way I ever died was on my friends file (I don't know why but I didn't die once the entire time my first time through the game) Anways I was fighting Yunalesca it's her 3rd form and she is zombifying my characters like crazy. So I'm caught up in the moment 1 of 3 characters are dead and the other 2 are close so I use a mega potion and right after I hit X I realize that all my people were zombies... I killed myself.