What's your favorite song?

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Jun 6, 2006
Some people claim Final Fantasy XII does not have memorable music but I disagree! These are my favorite songs in the game so far...
  1. Nalbina Fortress Underground Prison
  2. Secret of Nethicite (The music in The Lhusu Mines at Bhujerba)
  3. The Salikawood
  4. Abandoning Power (Music at Mt. Bur Omisace)
  5. The Mosphoran Highwaste
  6. The Cerobi Steppe
What's yours?
Off the top of my head, I liked the music in the Salikawood.

There's a couple of others but I'm not exactly sure where they were, I'll get back to you on those ones, lol.

And I really haven't been too dissapointed in the soundtrack either. From what I read before I got the game, I was expecting a lot worse!

11.To the Place of Gods

Loved this part in the game!

13.To the Summit

Fun track :)

20.Symphonic Poem Hope

This is the music from the offical website trailer. I like the way it builds up! :D
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I like the paramina rift music, as well at the enviroment. Also, phon coast and Jahara has really good music as well.
Wow, im surprised no one has said the Chocobo song. I love that song! Its the best song in the world. I don't know if its me though but is it a little bit different in XII? I know it has the same rythm
Oh yeah, the Chocobo song in FFXII is pretty much good than the previous ones so how did I miss that. Hehe. Also Battle for Freedom seems to sound good as well, well to me.
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