What's your favourite enemy?


Final Fantasy Freak
Apr 21, 2007
Southampton, Egland
My best enemy is the Sand Worm because you can use bio and it will get 4500HP down every turn and because you can steal 2 Shadow gems from it and gives you 2000 AP. Whats yours?
I dont know myself. I like the cactuars eventhough they are a bit hard at that stage at the Thuunder Plains *pzzzztz!* you can get decent weapons, which again at that stage is cool.
I also like the Behemoths in the cave place near Gagazet. Dont know why. And them big things from Inside Sin...dont remeber what they are called but they're really hard! But the best part is that they give you blessed gems, which teach your aeons HOLY!!!!
So I'm kinda spoilt. LOL XD
I like cactuars as well because when you beat three of the in a group there will give you three Weapons or Armous.
I didnt have one cuz i didnt like the game... too grrr... and hard...... oh welll ... confuse always got me.... auron and confuse DONT MIX!!!!!!!
its my least fav ff game
I really like fighting the Fiend that Yunalesca sends to test your strength when you make it out of Mt. Gagazet, it's such a strategic battle if you don't use Aeons what with using Dispel and Reflect alot
Yunalesca - she was the last challenging enemy :)

Seymour omnis is a favourite of mine too - the music rocks, XD and i adore killing warrior monks - it makes me chuckle
I liked Yunalesca too --- so tough to kill.

Apart from that, it would have to be those sand worms.
They have decent amounts of HP, and were relatively easy to kill.
Same goes for cactuars.:cool:
I liked Yunalesca, but that one what probably the only one. The Jecht fight was good too, but short since I always use Anima to kick his butt. Though I hated that little thing that was always with Seymour after you first battle him.