What's your highest chain?

Haha, seems most people do it with the wolves. I hit 105 with the wolves at Phon Coast. I woulda gone further but i wanted to get back to Rabanastre and do another hunt.
i got over 100 in the stillshrine of miriam, those strips of festering flesh go for afew hundred gil at a time, i was well rich....until i blew it all on magick & weapons in one big spending spree.......it's similatities to real life amaze me sometimes. Altho, exchanging magic for shoes and weapons for clothes. obviously.

Ive had a few big chains in the nam yensa aswel
lol, i sat my main person on one of the alarm beams in the one air ship and had the rest of the party kill soldiers as they came while i was at work, onfg, i came home and i had more potions then i'll ever need, i think my chain was in the mid 300s, don't remember off hand.
Ha...i got the full "999" with the skeletons in the Stilshrine of Miriam. I was fighting the rare game there that continually spawns the skeletons without leaving the area. Also if you set the gambits right you can level up fast and easy
mine i think is 115....just 100 above..i was chaining with the bats-like-monsters i don't remember where anymore.....
417 of those skeletons in the Lhusu Mines of Bhujerba.

Yeah, that was my level-up and looting place until my characters were too high-leveled for it to be of any use anymore.
Oh gosh, not many. I can't even remember where it was, as it was a few months ago, but I was stuck and didn't know where to go, so I just kept going round in circles and got a rather nice chain going, until I died haha, and I hadn't saved it for a while, so it all went to waste really. Oh well, it was fun before I died.