Whats your most priced possesion of Enix, Square, Squaresoft or Square Enix.

Final Fantasy Fan YT

Final Fantasy Fan
Feb 27, 2021
Lily Lillith
FFXIV Server
Hi, guys I wanted to make a thread for the collectors out there where we can share our passion for collecting. This is a bit wider than Final Fantasy alone and involves all of Enix, Square, Squaresoft, and Square Enix.

What id like to see is a picture of it, where and how did u get it and why is it valuable to u. Mind you it doesn't have to be valuable in price it can also be valuable in the heart. it can be anything ranging from games to merchandise or w/e.

As a massive fan myself I gathered tons of items I will share over the course of this thread. I'll also upload some videos to my channel once I continue with my showroom/museum.

to start this off ill show you an item I got in recently.


This is a complete in-box version of Square's 2nd game ever released. It's called Wil the Death Trap 2. I found this from a buyer I met in Japan.
These things are rare, what's even more so is the fact the condition of this thing is really clean. I spent 12 years looking for this and I finally found it. When i came across it I had to buy it. no matter the price. and I got it. Super Psyched.

Since this is part 2, u can guess the other one. This one is even rarer. Having sold very limited copies and none of em outside Japan. not a lot of these exist anymore and the ones that are still around are in the hands of collectors. So when I saw this gem, even though it's not complete inbox I had to buy it.

I will continue to search for a complete in the box but I think there are less than 10 of these things ( not Complete in box ) floating around there. so I'm already happy I got this. if I do find it ill probably sell this one off again.

To most, it might seem like trash but look at it like this. without this game, Square wouldn't be in the gaming business. without this item, the world would probably never ever known Final Fantasy. with that thought in mind, this item becomes invaluable.

I might try to find a PC8800 to run it. I'll be honest these games are 40 years old. the data on these floppy discs aren't very sturdy. it could very well be that these are already emptied. so for me, it's more the physical aspect. But I'm curious to see if it's still on there.

here's this Pic!

Wil the Death Trap I.png

The photos are from my vid I made because the originals are stored till my showroom is complete. if u wanna see more about it check out the link below.
a full review still has to be done about it!

I'm truly looking forward to the posts.

Best Regards,

Darrell de Jager
Self Proclaimed NR 1 Final Fantasy Fan of the Netherlands :)


  • Wil the Death Trap II.png
    Wil the Death Trap II.png
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While not necessarily rare, my favourite item in my considerably vast FF Collection is my The Art of Final Fantasy IX Artbook by Bradygames.

351 - S0dQbtC.jpg

This is such an unusual item, Its not often companies that do Strategy Guides print Artbooks, so that is interesting within itself. However, what I truly love about this book is the insight into the creativity put into the game. While a lot of Artbooks typically have the Amano & CGI Promotional Renders (Which are great of course!), this book goes beyond that. I often cite it being like someone broke into the S-E office and vaccumed all the wonderful sketches and works then splattered them into one lovely book!
252 - 8ZD5Khy.jpg

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It really is a wonderful book. I have many FF Artbooks and this is by far my favourite :)
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Final Fantasy 9 is my nr 2 favorite Final Fantasy after 6. The art styles are amazing, so are the soundtracks. I love the artbooks that go into so much detail about characters. I own a few myself. though I'm not sure if I have this one. seeing as this one is one of your favorites it seems it's definitely worth collecting.
Most Artbooks don't have a lot of text in them, does this 1? and is it English or Japanese? it doesn't matter much for the art, but sometimes u can find really interesting info in these. Uncorrupted info straight from the designer instead of what sometimes goes around on the web :D
I don't really have any impressive collections to speak of. I'd been intending to post about the FF books I own in one of Vivi-Gamer's threads and may get to that soon.

Semantically speaking, perhaps my Black Mage Chocobo plush might be the most valuable to me. A close friend of mine bought it for me as a Christmas present. He wrapped it up in giant crisp packet to troll me (he knew I was allergic to crisps - nothing serious, but it gives me eczema). I unwrapped my present to find a giant crisp multi-pack and laughed. But then noticed the cleverly disguised cellotape, undid it, and found Black Mage Chocobo inside. It became a fixture during my gaming sessions with friends back when gaming sessions were a thing.
Said friend sadly passed away a few years ago… Then I had a housefire and lost the item (along with my entire FF collection aside from the games themselves and my FF books).

However, since this item meant something to me I did repurchase it. It isn't the same one, but I like to imagine that the spirit of the original has passed into it, or something. You could call it my Phoenix-Chocobo.

Having said all of that, it is currently a little bit covered in dust. It means something to me, but that doesn’t mean I take it off the shelf and give it a cuddle or take it out for walks or anything. It mostly just exists and minds its own business.


Most expensive though? Both volumes of the Encyclopaedia Eorzea, probably. The English versions of those tomes are not always easy to get, but I am not a hardcore collector so what seemed difficult and expensive to me is probably nothing compared to people who, I don't know, might track down the legitimate first game ever produced by Square or something. :P

o start this off ill show you an item I got in recently.


here's this Pic!

Wil the Death Trap I.png
That’s a great piece of Square history you own there! I wonder what the games are actually like. As you say in the video, they may not even work anymore anyway, but still. The box looks nice (and new).
It's a USA Made Artbook from a company that often do Strategy Guides - Which makes the release all the weirder. The book itself is purely artworks, but as I said it has a lot of sketch works and designs beyond the typical promotional art. This chap flicks through it on Youtube:

If you want a more comprehensive Biography on the Artists Dark Horse released a massive book on Yoshitaka Amano:
@Dionysos damn bro that's a hard-to-read story you got there (Emotionally). Thank you for sharing this with me/us. sentimentally this item would be very high on anyone's list. Deffenetly the chobo phoenix exist. U convinced me of that.

I remember a barding from FFXIV. this comes close, it even has a blackish hue on his face so it resembles part of the BLM Aswell. ( i know it's a purple Chocobo xD )

Phoenix Chocobo (Suzaka Barding).jpg

I don't know what it feels to lose a good friend it must definitely be a really wtf feeling.
As for losing your FF collection that's truly sad as well, I'd be devastated, sure the insurance covers u partially financially but all the blood sweat, and time u put into collecting it would be gone. as well as some of the feelings/memories of them.

Thank you again for sharing this with us!


Thanks for the info and the link to the video. it really is a (master)piece of Art.
That is a super cool and rare find!

I don't really have that many SE items besides games but I do have a few plushies. Vivi, a moogle and a Tonberry. I also have the original Final Fantasy for NES which is kind of cool even if the game does make me rage. My favorite item is probably the 1st printing of the Brady Games Final Fantasy VII guide, which was riddled with errors and a poorly laid out bestiary. It's pretty hilarious to read through honestly.
While not necessarily rare, my favourite item in my considerably vast FF Collection is my The Art of Final Fantasy IX Artbook by Bradygames.

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Hey! I own this too! :lew: I understand why it's one of your favorites, it's definitely one of mine too!

I've got a lot of different things and it's hard to pick a favorite 'one' - I own a small group of figures that I've gotten second hand from friends/family, though my personal favorite would probably be my Garnet Play Arts figure. I got her a few years ago when visiting one of our semi-local anime stores and grabbed her when I saw it.
Not my picture, she's just currently stored away.

I've also got a FFXIV Moogle I got one year for my birthday from my husband back when we first started dating. I love his little bag & everything, he's just super cute and I appreciated the time and effort he put into getting me a gift like this. :-)
Also not my picture, this time I'm just lazy

Last honorable mentions are my FFIX Zidane plushie I got several years ago as a gift from my brother...
Refer to the small text above

And my special limited edition rare FF10 Oglop that I got on ebay late last year. 🤣
My own picture this time!
He's legit btw, just retagged by an idiot.

Most of my 'valued' items I find or obtain get sent to my brother as a birthday gift or something since he's a much more intensive collector than I am. The only ones I try and keep for myself are my Final Fantasy IX stuff because it's my favorite game. :)
That Oglop really got me confused, it really started doubting my knowledge of FF10. It's nice to have family/spouse to share a passion with. do you guys play FF14 together? I'm like a massive otaku when it comes to final fantasy. My wife isn't bothered with it but she's also not too interested in it. she does support me in the collecting lucklily. but I'm still trying to get her to play FF14 with me. I haven't touched that game since after Stormblood due to having a wife and kid now.
That Oglop really got me confused, it really started doubting my knowledge of FF10. It's nice to have family/spouse to share a passion with. do you guys play FF14 together? I'm like a massive otaku when it comes to final fantasy. My wife isn't bothered with it but she's also not too interested in it. she does support me in the collecting lucklily. but I'm still trying to get her to play FF14 with me. I haven't touched that game since after Stormblood due to having a wife and kid now.
When I got that Moogle we hadn't tried playing FF14 by then, in fact he didn't really know much about FF, but he knew I was really into the series and tried to find me one. We have different interests when it comes down to gaming but we're definitely expressed interesting in trying to play 14 together. Either way it's one of the main reasons why that Moogle is one of my most loved :-)
I almost forgot to mention this. :eek:how could I forget :).

I guess this is also one of my special moments/possessions. my wife knew my passions for Final Fantasy.
She from the Phillippines, there the weddings are different than here in the Netherlands. we had Prenup Pictures and a save-the-date video.
the pictures were of us in 3 different attires. Normal formal and semi-formal. but the save the date video was made in Final Fantasy Style :)
She did this for me, and she liked the Tifa look. I remember going into stores with her and her asking the sales lady are these Tifa boots.
I couldn't my laughter, I don't think they knew what she was talking about. maybe with the remake now more people do but imagine being asked that question
as a nongamer :tearjoy:

Unfortunately, the wig was not ready in time so we just rolled with what we had.

Catherine de Jager as Tifa
Darrell de Jager as Cloud ( helmet wasn't finished either I went with the Shinra outfit from Cloud.

we never tried anything like this so for me it was fun and a bit silly at the same time. I visited a lot of comicons etc but never dressed up myself. it was quite fun actualy.
that sword though was freaking heavy. I reckon it weighed around 40 kilos or so :)

this is that video :) as for our wedding dance, we picked the ballroom dance of Squall and Rinoa of FF8. Don't have the footage ready right now.
so seeing as she's super supportive I think I still have a chance to get her to play FF14 with me. The thing is she's not really a gamer. never had time to as a single mom.
she did play temple run back in the day. imagine me trying to teach her how to play an MMORPG. Challenge accepted :)
I almost forgot to mention this. :eek:how could I forget :).

I guess this is also one of my special moments/possessions. my wife knew my passions for Final Fantasy.
She from the Phillippines, there the weddings are different than here in the Netherlands. we had Prenup Pictures and a save-the-date video.
the pictures were of us in 3 different attires. Normal formal and semi-formal. but the save the date video was made in Final Fantasy Style :)
She did this for me, and she liked the Tifa look. I remember going into stores with her and her asking the sales lady are these Tifa boots.
I couldn't my laughter, I don't think they knew what she was talking about. maybe with the remake now more people do but imagine being asked that question
as a nongamer :tearjoy:

Unfortunately, the wig was not ready in time so we just rolled with what we had.

Catherine de Jager as Tifa
Darrell de Jager as Cloud ( helmet wasn't finished either I went with the Shinra outfit from Cloud.

we never tried anything like this so for me it was fun and a bit silly at the same time. I visited a lot of comicons etc but never dressed up myself. it was quite fun actualy.
that sword though was freaking heavy. I reckon it weighed around 40 kilos or so :)

this is that video :) as for our wedding dance, we picked the ballroom dance of Squall and Rinoa of FF8. Don't have the footage ready right now.
so seeing as she's super supportive I think I still have a chance to get her to play FF14 with me. The thing is she's not really a gamer. never had time to as a single mom.
she did play temple run back in the day. imagine me trying to teach her how to play an MMORPG. Challenge accepted :)
Interesting read! I'd love to hear more about this in another thread, as there's a few of us that share passions of both cosplay and/or gaming with spouses/significant others. :-) For the time being let's try and stick to the topic at hand which is specific items we all hold up as valuable and/or rare!
Hi Miko, apologies. I agree I was thinking of putting it elsewhere, maybe I should have rephrased the post.
I still own that prop buster sword :) connected to this event in my life it became a special item. so it's partially in the right place.
maybe should v emphasized this a little more. ill stuck to material stuff here and leave the other stuff on the other threads.