Dirge of Cerberus What's your opinion about the game?


Oct 6, 2006
i am waiting to play it cause i still haven't.:lol:

but when i do it i'm gonna tell
Dirge of Cerberus was a great game; ive played both the japanese and US version. Sadly, i wish the US version had gotten the online play mode as it had a story mode thats amazing.

While, it got dismal reviews its a simple gun action game that anyone can play. Serious FPS players are the harshest of reviews;being someone who works in video game retail i've played most myself.

DoC ( Dirge of Ceberus from here on out ) is more about story. granted cutscene can be a bit long which may turn some players away. Secondly, as part of the compilation the story assume's you've played both the original and seen Advent Children.

One thing i wll say is this, if you are a fan; please understand that some changes have been for the better such as the expanding and re-arranging of the Shinra Manor and such. I understand the most hold FF7 high and may follow it all as official canon. Yet, with newer games it allows the designers to make it as they originally intended or to simply expand ( by visual intent) character behavior.

Basically, if you loved 7 and Advent Children, you'll DoC; however try it out before you buy it if possible as it may not be what you think.
i can only judge by saying the battle system isnt that good
btw i can only say htat becuz i'm still in chapetr 2
I SUCK AT THAT GAME! T_T. I suck at gun games lol.

@___@ I got angry and didn't played it, my brother did xp.

I guess the game is not that bad...
I loved it. I think it was awesome. But I don't own it. I rented it, and two days later I beat it. I was sooo happy. I kept for another two weeks, and I just rented it two weeks ago again and kept it for another two weeks. I can't wait to buy my own...
I cried at the end. I was so sad. I won't say anything to spoil it.

Plus, the CG scenes were amazing. My favorite scenes are the end, when they're in the airship and they learn about Omega with all the stars and everything, and the attack on Midgar. Vincent is the hottest person ever. Sorry to say, but he's hotter than Cloud.
I just finished beating it about half an hour ago. I rented it yesterday. I would have to say, it's one of my favorite games. I just wish that it had it so you could go back to other levels, like Edge or Kalm and just kill people and get money.

I would almost say it was easy. I only died like three times.

Great story line, a little fast though..

*ish still saving up for ultima weapon*
The game was crap! It didn't have the same spiciness that the other final fantasy's did. I had a problem actually playing it. But when I had my brother play the game, he finished it in two days... what final fantasy do you know finished in two days? We only played a few hours a day, not even over 2 or 3 hours and we finished it. I didn't like the game at all.
Well, you do understand that we lost the multiplayer part of the game right, which had a whole other story right. Secondly, being the first shooter by a primary RPG company you should not have expected Halo or Doom or any other shooter like status.

Unfortunately, Square-Enix seems to be pushin graphics rather then gameplay as Valkryie profile 2 can be beatin in like 15 hours where as DoC can be done in the same if you run through and collect the capsules.i've put about 60 hours into it so far and nearly completed everything in DoC.
I loved this game!!!! all the reviews say its crap, but i enjoyed it sooo much!! I love playing FPS's and RPG's, and i thought that they put together a great combination. i just cant get over how much i loved that you are able to customize your guns, i just think thats the coolest idea ever for a FPS game! I also thought it was great that we were able to find out a lot about vincents past. he was a very mysterious charecter before hand. Don't get me wrong, i like mysterious charecters as much as the next guy, but its nice to find out ones past... the only problem i had with this game was the ending battles.

SPOILERS!!!!! kind of...

Its just that, first you were fighting omega, then you are sudenly inside of him fighting the guy with white hair (dont remember his name), then he turns into hojo, and you fight him. then he jumps into the life stream and goes away (me thinking forever). then you go on to fighting some other creature thing, and then what do you know the guy with the white hair is back!!!! and every battle was in a new setting!!!! i was like "what the hell is going on!?!? im so confuse...." *cries* but over all, it was a great game!
It could of been better. Instead of having just Vincent as the main character,the game should of let you choose between Vincent,Shalua and Barrett as playable characters. They could've also given Shelke more personality-in the game,Shelke had no personality and was rather boring.
but if you had a choice of charecters to play, it would ruin the whole purpose of the game being about vincent... as for Shelke's personality, i agree with you on that ^-^
I liked it a lot. It mixed up the FF7 story even more, but it filled in a lot of gaps too (explaining the weapons). It was the best FPS, 3rdPS I've ever played. Just cause the story. I wish I could've seen more Cloud and others though.
I have yet to play this, but the game/story itself is pointless. Obviously square made this game to make more money. Why an action/shooter? They might as well make a FF:FPS
I have yet to play this, but the game/story itself is pointless. Obviously square made this game to make more money. Why an action/shooter? They might as well make a FF:FPS
I found the game intresting and fun, the story was well fit with FFVII and i enjoyed it overall.
Though i haven't played the game, i got a good feeling that it will be good.
Third person shooter with most of the main characters from the previous Final Fantasy VII, Vincent as the main player of course, but it will never be as good as the original number 7
I thought that is was awsome...couldn't put the game down but when I beat the story mode on Ex Hard and beat ALL the Extra Missions, I wanted more! I wish that they left the Play Online feature in at least!

The game had the Final Fantasy feel but at moments, it didn't...which was ok by me.

After playing DoC, I tried playing some of the 3rd person shooter games that I would usually find cool seem to suck now. Dirge of Cerberus was one of the better 3rd PS games I have ever played.

One downside is I had trouble dodging enemy fire...my only problem with the game. But the game was well worth the effort.