Dirge of Cerberus What's your opinion about the game?

i read in game pro and stuff and they said, it's not much of a good action but a good story. the graphics look awesome!
It's an awesome game IMO. I'm not much into shooters...but DoC is defentely worth playing! ^_^
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I don't know about the strategy guide for it though...it doesn't tell you how to get the Capsle's from the Extra Missions...which isn't exactly fair...

DoC was a really good game but way too short

Yeah...it did seem quite short to me too...
Its a pretty good game.but its to easy and short!!i love it how you can costimize ur own gun.but i mostly used the regular cerberus and upgrade it
Great storyline, but the gameplay lacked alot greatly, camera movements where at times annoying, however once you got the game down. It was easy going, I beat the entire game in oneday...great thing I rented it. The cut-scenes and the fully cgi scenes where beautiful to watch, and to me, I was glad that I played it though, although I didn't like the gameplay so much, I got to understand the relationship between Vincent, Hojo, and Lucrecia alot more.

It just builds to make the FFVII storyline as a whole far more interesting.
I thought it was fun, mainly because I've never played a shooter and have always wanted to. It took some time to get used to it and such, but overall I think it was fun.
I definantly enjoyed this game immensely. The shooter aspect did take a little while to get used to but the storyline was amazing. I loved that you could find out more about Vincent and his past as he was always so mysterious in FFVII and in AC it made you want to know more. I still prefer using swords to attack with in games but this one was fun. The cutscenes were awesome and the FMV movies were AMAZING
yeah,i've seen some FMV of DoC and really are amazing.
but some critise its graphics,i don't get what's wrong with the graphics.
i think its graphics are amazing.

Well today when we came back from our little roadtrip I spent all those hours until 10:00 at night and then some to finish where I left off with DoC, and I beat the game. And I must say, I'm glad I did.

Cid's model ingame looked kinda funky and for some reason his hick accent was really annoying in this game as opposed to AC. But... nah, his character model was just plain funky.

LOL @ all the FF7 referances. One of the WRO members had a green river chocobo named Boco. XD Reminds me of my green river chocobo that I had in FF7 named Raster.

Another WRO girl said that she used to play in the sector seven train station all the time with her brother when she was little... and that her brother joined an anti Shinra resistance group. I wonder who that could be? Biggs, Wedge? Perhaps an AVALANCHE member from Before Crisis? That kinda made me go 'ooh!', since it was just some random WRO member. o_O

Of course, Cloud, Barret, and Tifa can work it. That little dialouge part when they call him in reactor 0 is just... HEARTHEARTHEART!!!!

Umm... I didn't really like Lucrecia and her and Vincent's relationship as much as I thought I would initially. She just... acts like Yuna too much, and unlike Yuna, she's a poor copy. I felt irritated by her alot. Vincent should have smacked her. She was just pointless and what she did to Vincent was just stupid. How dare you make her into a fucking Mary Sue, SE! ;_; *sigh* But, I guess that's just me misinterpreting her character wrong in FF7, and plus, she was encased in a crystal for most of the time... *sigh* Now, unlike the Vincent fangirls who are all "OMG I H8 LUCRECIA FOR CHOOSING HOJO OVER VINCENT" I just think she's irritating either way. And I don't think she chose Hojo because she wanted to... but either way she's a dumb bitch. *is feeling hateful* Bang that bitch in her motherfuckin' face, blood. She had a pretty face but that's about it. Oh and she kinda looked like Yuna too...

And you know what? They might as well have called DoC, "Shelke and Vincent's story" because Shelke goes through lots of character development aswell. I actually liked her like I thought I would, she interested me. And jesus christ, so many FF7 parallels or atleast copied dialogue... like when Vincent saves her from Omega... "You're late." "Sorry about that." "Not that I mind, though." Just... bizzare-like. Cloti.

OH AND YUFFIE AND VINCENT HAVE SOME CLOTI PARALLELS TOO LIKE WHAT. When Nero swallows Yuffie into the darkness, Yuffie starts screaming and holding her head saying "No!" asdfasdfsa (with the little darkness sperm coming toward her) and I was like, LOL CLOUD AND TIFA IN LIFESTREAM SCENE! <3

VincentxShelke > VincentxLucrecia. Hell, even VincentxYuffie > VincentxLucrecia. Yes, ladies and gents, I DID just say that. But do not worry, Yuffentine in DoC = like zilch. I liked seeing them together though, as partners. And as for ShelkexVincent... not that I want him to tap that I'm-a-19-year-old-trapped-in-a-10-year-old-body ass any time soon, but I'm really liking the idea of the couple. Hell, he payed more attention to her than Yuffie, so there ya go. She flirts with him so much too omg. XD Hey, maybe one day it could seriously happen.

No. Am not going Yuffentine fangirl or Shelkentine fangirl on you guys.

But Shelke and Vincent is = <3, call me crazy.

What else... GOD, WEISS IS SEXY, EVEN IF HE WAS POSESSED BY HOJO. Nero's a fagga. I hate how they pronounce "Nero" like "Nearo". Lol wtf? It's "Nehro", but whatever floats people's boats.

It feels good beating DoC. AND CHAOS OMG I WOULD TAP THAT. Loved the "Longing" music playing when you go inside Omega. Vincent in Chaos form is just... *unf unf* We would have some hawt demon-like entity (OR WUTEVA IT IS) secks.

All in all, nice little story for Vincent though some things did annoy me (like Lucrecia) and how they pronounced her fucking name, how irritating. :rofl: Vincent screaming... "LUCRETZIA!" How ghey.

Didn't get the secret ending with Gackt-san (I only got 4 G reports) but I didn't really care to seeing as how I just wanted to get the game over with and that the English dubber (THE PRINCE!) made Gackt sound like a vampire. Lol.

Work it Kitase-san.

So yeah. Can you tell I liked it? You can. Well then, good. Because it was nice, and I did. :updown:
I got it for Christmas yesterday... didn't even know it was out until Saturday when I saw it there, and then I found out my mum had bought it for me a few days earlier! It's pretty cool, the graphics are fantastic, and as far as FPS's go, it's great...

... so I might keep it.

Or I might exchange it for Dragon Quest or KH2. Not sure yet!
Oh my god, the FMV cut scenes are totally beautiful! ^_^ Wow...
It was wonderful to see all the classic FF characters in their Advent Children Graphics *cough;Remake FF7 in AC style ;cough*

Alsoooo.... I really enjoyed the New Characters, even though most of them were bad guys I couldn't help but like them; Shelke, Weiss, Rosso, Nero ect ect, Oooh and it was great to see a bit of Vincents story and the involvement of background characters from the original game such as Lucrecia, as it made me relate back to the game ^_^ yay!

The only thing I can seriously say I wasn't a fan of in this game is that its a FPS, I'm a RPG freak and love the battle systmes used in that style of game. FPS just aren't my thing, mainly cause I suck at them lol, but this game sort of had a lot of dialoge and FMV's in so I guess I just "survived" through the killing part so I could progress through the storyline. I'm guessing most FF/Vincent fans took this approach? lol I am mainly playing it to expand on the original FF7 storyline... I need to know the whole story! lol

Anyways I haven't completed this fully yet, as i've been super busy, But I hope to get some free time for it soon! I can't fully say whether I thought it was good or not til its completed, but so far its seems pretty good!
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The game was really good, expecting something "worse" for a first try at a FPS by SE. Anyhow, as many others, I love RPGs and FPSs. Had it from long ago, but didnt have the time to play it:P.
I loved this game. I love this game!! I haven't finished it yet but I know I'm getting close, cause the story's concluding itself and I'm nearly onto Weiss and Omega. >x<

I love the storyline, its so dramatic. : D I've been told I'll cry at the ending, so I'm rather eerie about the ending.. haha. But yeah, for a FPS shooter it's a really good game. Takes a while to adjust to but once you're in the game, well, you're in the game! x3 ^^

Me being a big and crazy Vincent fangirl, its got loads of eyecandy. : D And yeah, as mentioned before, thousands of FFVII references though, brings that little Final Fantasy atmosphere along with it. : D

Overall, I'd give it a 10/10.
Stunning graphics, well the cutscenes, ingame graphics are good, the gameplay was fun and the story was out of this world, literally.
I haven't played the game yet, but from what I saw, it was pretty amazing. I'm not a shooter fan though, but just because it's Final Fantasy...I've managed to put that dislike behind me. ^_^
I found the game to be pretty good. Shame I havent played FF7 and seen Advent Children though...I will some day!
i thaught it was a pretty good game all in all, its a shame about the lack of freedom tho. i was expeciting to be able to run up walls, wheres vincent cant even jump ontop of ( some of the) crates in the game. great storyline tho.
I like both US and Japanese version! It's worth it, sadly the online multiplayer is only on the Japanese version.