Whats your opinion?

I'm kinda embarassed to say, I just started KH too.....lol

It's awesome so far....:P
I loved KH it's was a good game I got a little frustrated with the Alice in Wonderland world but other then that ^_^ it was great
It takes all of the best aspects from Final Fantasy. It takes all of the best aspects of Disney. It takes all of the best aspects from an RPG game. The game includes some original aspects which are unforgetable. Together, they create Kingdom Hearts, my #1 RPG.
The Kingdom Hearts series revolves too much around finding Kairi but other than that. THIS GAME KICKS I LOVE THIS GAME A LOT.
Love this game. It's my number 1 RPG game. ^^ I has some really great things from FF and Disney, and have some things pretty unique to that game.

The story was abit to centered around Kairi, I gotta agree, but I like it overall. :P
Kh is great!^^
I loved also the battle system!^^
It brought u inside the game!^^

It is also a difficoult game!O_O
I've played with the second too..<.<
But.. it was meeeh..<.< too EASY!O_O
Admittedly, I had been one of those skeptics that didn't like the idea of Disney being in there. After reading more about it, I decided to keep and open mind and the more and more I read I wanted to play it. I finally got hyped enough to buy Kingdom Hearts II, and loved it to death. At the insistence of The Unforgiven (one of the global mods here) I went and bought the first and loved it as much as the second.

Now I am one of those who groans when people complain about the Disney (though I respect everyone's opinion ^_^). It'd be just another Final Fantasy if Disney wasn't there and it would lose its unique spark that makes it special. Personally I think it's one of the most creative games around.
I played this game before but never actually finished it because I got stuck during the Night Before Christmas part. That was around 4-5 years ago, maybe? I borrowed it from a friend. Now I'm thinking if I should buy one of my own. =/

Anyway, from what I remember, I had fun playing this game. At first it seemed childish to me, but boy was I wrong. Some of the battles were so hard that I had to pass the controller to my brother and let him defeat the boss for me. >.<
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I thought it was brilliant. Some of the worlds got a little boring and frustrating e.g. Alice in Wonderland, but apart, from that it was great.
Although I'm not good at it I still love it.........I think it has a better story line than the second one but worse but still good graphics.......i'm stuck at Olympus Coliseum >_>; I have to beat phil cup with the time limit ;_;
Anyway, I bought KH 1 and 2 yesterday on e-bay! Finally! I was reading a lot of posts here and it really made me curious now. I know I'll enjoy both of it. I sooo can't wait until it arrives! ^_^
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i loved it so much i bought kh final mix ^_^
then that was even better :)
I'm playing it at the moment. ^_^ I just now defeated Tidus, Selphy, and Wakka all at once at level 5. Phew. That was a tough battle. Riku was easy.

I really am enjoying this game as I thought I would!