Playstation What's your Playstation's story? :3

I can't remember what happened to my 6 PS1's or my 3 PS2's. I have two PS2's left, and one of them is missing the laser, the buttons and the cover. The other one is missing it's fan, lid, buttons and the cogwheels. I just liked disassembling the parts and creating thing with them...until I lose them. Same thing with both my PSP's. :)
Sooo....they've seen their share of wear and tear. /rhyme ftw.
I love my PS,PS2, and PS3,although I love my SNES the most! I know my daddy got me my PS and PS2. Im pretty sure I received them as a present for Christmas each time. They are both still hooked up and still used!

My PS3 is still in the box. haha. I worked at Gamestop when it was first released and two employees were allowed to reserve one. Of course,three of us wanted to reserve one,so my daddy reserved mine in his name and picked it up for me. ^_^ Anyway,the reason it is still in the box is because I have no room for it at the moment (along with my WII). Yes,they have both been in their boxes since they were released haha.

Whenever I finally hook up my PS3,my PS and PS2 will still be hooked up along with all my other consoles. Even though my PS3 is one of the ones that can play PS2 games,I'll still be playing them on my PS2.
PS1 was Communion present from my uncle (long long ago)
PS2 Christmas present (long ago)
PSP also Christmas present (one year ago maybe)
That's all i'm planning to buy ps3 when FFXIII comes out xD
I stole my cousin's PS2 a few months after release XD Actually, I don't think she really cared too much about it because she saw it at my house three days later and just went, "Meh."
My PS2 slim I got as a Christmas present from my sister and my godfather =D
When I started working full time, I bought my PS3 with my first paycheck. Worthwhile investment.
I bought myself a PSP a couple of months ago mainly because I wanted to play Crisis Core and Dissidia, and because I'm hoping Agito will be released in English.
I got my PS1 as a Christmas present a long time ago. After playing that for a few years it broke and I ended up getting a PS2 as a surprise Christmas present too. Then I got my PSP as a birthday present two years ago. I love my PS2 alot, but I think it's begining to wear down on me, so hopefully before the year ends i'll be able to get a PS3.
I got my PlayStation a while after it first came out. It was Christmas 1998, and I got Final Fantasy VII with it. Love at first sight!

I got my PS2 about a year after they came out. It was another Christmas, and I got The Bouncer with it. (It was the only PS2 game I had for a while, so I played it too much.) It started dying a disc-read-error death early in 2005. It only started after I bought Final Fantasy X-2. I still think that game broke my PS2, haha.

I got my PS3 Christmas 2007 with FIFA '08. Now all of my PSX, PS2 and PS3 games are living happily together.
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My playstation was won for me by my dad from KEY103 back in 1996 lol :D Got Tomb Raider with it. Sadly I had to part with it cause his other kids wanted it >.> So my bro gave me his, so :D And still have it! Still use it for my PS1 games.

Then my grandma got me my PS2 in 2002 with Escape from Monkey Island. Still have it now, but sadly it stopped working last year :( So I got a second hand slim line PS2. I refuse to part with any of my Playstations because its the only console IMO with the best RPG games going! Its like a member of the family, I love them so much lol ^^
The story for my PS3 is simple, Mother got it for my last birthday, I was so happy when I saw that huge box. ♥ One thing that annoyed me about that day was that my friend opened the PS3 box, not me. Its my damn game after all & I didn't get to open it? That's an outrage.

For my PS2, I don't remember how I got it, I just went out and bought it I suppose. I really don't remember, I think it might have been another birthday present, only for my birthday do I get such a big present anyways.
I actually can't remember when I got my PS1. It was probably a year after I got an N64. I think some of the first games I played on it were Final Fantasy VIII, Gran Tourismo, Tomb Raider, and Tony Hawk. Unfortunately, it broke earlier this year or later last year.

I definitely remember when I got my PS2. I remember how much the graphics of that generation's games blew me away, and the games that I wanted the most for the PS2 were Final Fantasy X and Ratchet and Clank. A year or two after the PS2 launched, my brother and I got a PS2 for Christmas, and the first games we got for it were Final Fantasy X, Ratchet and Clank, Devil May Cry, and Jak and Daxter which were all fun games. Unfortunately, my brother lent it to someone earlier this year, and never got it back. <_<
My PS2 was my first gaming console. I wanted it specifically for Kingdom Hearts, which was coming out that year. I'd heard so much good about in in EGM that I had. to. have. it. So I asked for a PS2, which were already on the downswing price-wise by then, and a copy of KH for Christmas.

My first one did burn out, but I've had my trusty faithful second since then. It still runs so well, and I have no plans on replacing it anytime soon, unless it gives me no choice.
I thought I'd already posted in this thread. Hmm.

Anyway I got my first PS2 when I was 16 years old. I bought it with my own money and my mother tried to stop me from buying it because she thought it was a waste of money.

Though I worked and I wanted it so there wasn't much she could do considering it was my money. XD

Anyway I've had it for six years now. Wow. 0_o I honestly never thought of how long I'd owned it till now. 0_o

These days I mostly use it to play DVD's but I fear that it's starting to slowly get a bit old and sometimes it doesn't work to the best of it's ability like it once did. v_v

I plan to get a PS3 nearer to the release of FFXIII. I will be so angry if they decide to up the price on the PS3 merely because of the release of FFXIII. <_<

But the PS2 was not my first ever console. The SEGA was. But that's irrelevant here.
I got my playstation when i was...12 i think. I played it pretty much everyday that is until my mother decided it was a good idea to give it away without my consent. Fast forward to the time when the PS2 came out, i got that in 01. I loved it then, i say that because i don't really use it now. Other than to hide things in its compartment xD.

But anyway i got my PS3 last year, been playing that off and on. I don't really play games anymore, i feel as though they just don't have that feeling they gave me when i first got into gaming. That and i feel as though i'm losing that, it could be the fact that i'm getting older but theres also other factors as well.

I won't go into those though lol.
The story of my PS1 was back when ever it was released 1995? 1996 i can't remember either way haha, it was near christmas and we unwrapped all of our presents and at that point I was over the moon with what I got already. My parents said we have one more gift for you all now go play hot and cold so we did, I actually found it behind this chair and it was all wrapped up and I was the one to open it, ripped it open to discover a PS1 the first system to bring me into gaming and it is still with me today haha plays my PS1 games. I got tomb raider and croc with the PS1 at the time.

My PS2 came around on my birthday it was a year later then release so all my mates were boasting FF10 and MGS2 infront of me where as I sat with the originals on my PS1 and I wasn't to bothered by that fact and I got it on my birthday with Spider-man and MGS2 which made my day haha. PS2 died though a year and a half later (managed to finish MGS3) and my bro got an xbox a week before my PS2 died so played that.

PS3 will come in time when I can get some money behind me to pick it up but for now my xbox 360 does me justice :D
The PS1 was my first console. Back then, I was very young and naive and didn't know you had to have a memory card - the guy in Game should have told me really - so ended up playing 4 levels in Disney's Dinosaur, only to find I had to lose my data. :( My PS1 is one of the smaller, light grey models and I am pretty sure it still works! It's in pretty good condition. Very few scratches. The controller, however, has been tangled and fubar by my mum, who insists on putting my stuff in compression packs... so I doubt it works properly. :ness:

My PS1 brought me much pleasure. I absolutely adored it and didn't think anyone could ever improve on the aesthetical quality of the games. :lew: I'd take it away on holiday and once managed to find the first Spyro game whilst in the Lakes! The independent game shop isn't in Ambleside anymore. :( In fact, it's difficult to find any shop that sells games in the Lakes. :wacky:

I bought my PS2 several years later to play Final Fantasy X! I had been against the PS2 at first because of its price... I am pretty sure it came on the market at about £300, which sounded stupid against the price of the Gamecube, which I seem to remember purchasing for £99.99... My PS2 was second hand and it was the first console I bought without my parents present. I bought it after school with a memory card, FFX, and FFX-2. I traded in several things at the time and paid about £70, which was literally ALL the money I had saved up! I was so pleased! I had JUST enough! :D

I then went back to our flat and waited for Dad to finish work. He was in a late night meeting so I had about 3 hours to wait... I kept hoping to get to the spring scene with Yuna and Tidus...Yeaaah, that didn't happen until a couple of months ago. :wacky:

The story of my PS3 is pretty basic... I had avoided buying one for years but, after seeing the Uncharted 3 trailer, I just couldn't resist. I used some of the money inherited from my grandmother to buy it.

I'm not materialistic, but all three of those consoles are special... They hold sentimental value.

The PS1 was my first console. It's what got me into gaming, it travelled with me when I went on certain holidays, and it wowed me. :lew:

The PS2 is linked to Final Fantasy X, my favourite game, and the game which means the most to me... I would never have played X without this PS2.

The PS3, obviously, is like a gift from my grandmother.