What's your time and strategy for yiazmat?


White Mage
Jan 24, 2007
manati puerto rico
i killed hinm in 9 hours he is the most powerfull boss in all final fantasies i used the windbreaker for his special and changed quikly to the best armor he is weak vs dark since he is holy he doubles his level to 146 he is extremely hard and almost imposible to beat by entering the zone once
just a hint: try using periods to break up your sentences. makes it easier to read. ;)

yiazmat takes forever. i basically had one person with bravery, haste, berserk, bubble, reverse, and decoy, and equiped with masamune+genji gloves. the other 2 people were busy keeping up with all of those statuses, plus healing. i whacked at him for about an hour and a half. he's half way down. i need to go back and finish him off.
My strategy was to have someone berserked and the other 2 characters just heal and attack. I also had everyone Hasted/Protected. The battle should not be really hard until Yiazmat is at HP critical, or at least with less than 10 bars from finish. Then the fun begins. I adjusted my gambits to:

Ally: status= KO Arise
Foe: any Attack

Nothing more. You'll not have enough time to buff up your characters every time they die (since Yiazmat has Death status combined on its attacks + it hits most of the time 3+ times, and it hits hard), and this will consume your mp's for nothing really. I manually used Curaga at some points but it is not that helpful. With those gambits, you should be able to have always at least one character alive in case other dies.

For the equipment, you basically need your most powerful weapons, shields are useless since Yiazmat has shield evasion. I had Tournesol, Ultima Blade and Sagittarius Bow. I read that Yagyu Darkblade is quite effective, but did not have one to check for myself. Also, everyone had Bubble Belts, Maximilians and Golden Skullcap equipped.

It took me about 3 hours and 6 stages with this setup to kill Yiazmat, and I was level 98 by the way. I know that there are probably way better strategies than mine but in the end it is only the result that counts.
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in the american version omega is a piece of trash. he only has 1 million hp and yiazmat has 50 million he only hits harder than yiazmat,but thats nothing protect cant cover.

omega mark XII has 10 million.
hell wyrm has 9 million.
yiazmat has 50 million.

the hell wyrm was fun to fight!
All powerful bosses are fun to fight.^_^
I actually set my gambits and turned the T.V. off. When I came back to the television, he had about 1/3 of his HP left. I had Fran right at the top of the stairs and Basch and Vaan spread out. This way, he can't spam Deathstrike.

My gambits were something like this.

Any - Arise
Any - Chronos Tears
Any - Gold Needle
Sap - Regen
HP > 50% - Curaja
Self - Protect
Targeting Ally - Attack

I guess he had finally killed Fran and when I came back it told me to choose a new party leader. I'm guessing it was mostly luck, but it was definetly worth it!
I meant to put HP under 50 %. Anyways, this was actually the first battle I've ever had to set gambits for. I usually just go with my arise and attack gambits. I got so frustrated against Yiazmat. When he gets to 4 bars or less, he is literally impossible to beat without a gambit strategy. I ended up using a reverse/decoy gambit and set my tank to beserk and bravery. It's a shame it took me until the end of the game to realize how much fun gambits can be.
He isn't very hard until he gets down to three bars then his attacks are imbued with essence of death and he gives you many a taste of it.

I found that casting shellga actually limits how often his attacks KO you and increased the chance that Deathstrike missed.

I had Vaan Reverse/Decoy (decoy off at the end) and Basch and Penelo buffing and getting a few hits in.

Self- Reverse
Any KO- Phoenix Down

Any-Phoenix Down
Ally Vaan-Decoy
Ally Vaan- Reverse
Self HP<50%- Curaga

I do recommend setting off all the traps right when you walk in or casting Libra to avoid them.
i killed hinm in 9 hours he is the most powerfull boss in all final fantasies i used the windbreaker for his special and changed quikly to the best armor he is weak vs dark since he is holy he doubles his level to 146 he is extremely hard and almost imposible to beat by entering the zone once
omg, this looks insane, cant wait to fight these bosses myself
A little tip:

If you leave and save, remember that when you come back Yiazmat will immediately use Cyclone followed by reflectga on your whole party, virtually de-buffing your whole party.

When I enter after saving, I use one of my backup party members (whose level was 18) and dispeled Yiazmat. He will then kill my character with Cyclone. I then switch to my other two backup members (who are buffed). He will use reflectga on those two. I then switch to my main party (already buffed) and go to work on him. He won't use Cyclone until you take down one of his health bars and he won't use reflectga on your.

Good luck!
Ok, I'm down to my last 4 1/2 bars on Yiazmet, but now it seems I can barely get one good round of attack in before I'm healing and protecting, and blowing through Phoenix Downs.

Any suggestions, or is this just a test of patience and endurance.

And all I keep asking myself: Was this 6+ hours of battle necessary.....uuggghhh
Just curious, when you guys fight him what are the levels of your characters? (Main group and alternates) I havent really bothered leveling up my alternate characters (10, 12, 13) is it worth leveling them up a bit for this?
I havent really bothered leveling up my alternate characters (10, 12, 13) is it worth leveling them up a bit for this?
Yeah, you defintely will need to level up your chars a lot more than what you have them at now...no doubt. I just accepted the Yiazmat hunt today and took about 4 Mil off him in about half an hour's time. My levels are 83 for Balthier, Vaan, and Basch.