When are you going to finally say...

Im saying it now really. Im not going to purchase a PS3 anytime soon and I dont see myself playing the new ones for it. I will continue to play the old games of course, but I may stop at 13.
I'll never quit. Even if they do stop making FF games in the future, I'll simply go back to the classics and play those since I haven't played any yet. And if I finish those classics, I'll go back to VII, VIII, and IX. :D Heck, I'll even play it with my future children. I love Final Fantasy that much.
Well if they make another main character look like a little girl i just might consider to drop FF...
When will I quit? It actually looks like I may end up giving it up all together in the near future. I probably only play my playstation maybe...once, twice...three times a month? Without doubt, I plan on purchasing the next bundle of FF titles (FFXIII), and I'll probably play them all the way through over time, but...I don't really have the time or motivation to sit still and play the same game over and over again unless I realllly have nothing else to do.
Never !!!............ Well maybe when I am on my death bed watching preveiws for Final Fantasy XXVI-2.
lol I dont think I will QUIT the Final Fantasy series, I may just play them less overtime, but when I DO get the time, yeah I'll play it some, ah well....
When will I quit? Never!!! I’ll always go back and play ‘em no matter how old I am. I only hope and pray that my Playstation consoles last to the end of my days… :updown::unsure: