When You Make Threads


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
When you make threads how do you feel when people actually post in and discuss about your toipc? Where do you get your ideas from?

Discuss: Thread Making
If and when I actually post a topic, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside if multiple people respond. Unfortunately such threads required little deliberation or discussion most of the time, so not a lot came of them. :(

But yeah, it's feels quite nice to see that people are posting in a thread you made. As for where I get the ideas from, it'd normally be derived from current issues, or experiences I've recently had.
I've already made this thread, Yate. :P But only the ideas part. :monster:

Anyways, yep, it's great seeing people post in thread I make. Not many post because...you know...but it's still awesome all the same.

As for thread ideas, it's usually from Beatles songs and titles. :monster:
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I typically get my thread ideas either from a topic or issue I may have noticed in my life... or it's just something random like when I did "Cloud: Boxers or Briefs". You gotta love when people reply to your topics. There's nothing better than that. The only time it sucks is when you intended for heavy discussion of a matter and all you get is a million "Sephiroth is hot" replies.
...Or your sisters hot comments X__X

...ANYWAYS, yea, of course it feels good when people post in your threads. Usually when you make a thread, its because you like it and want to discuss it. So when other people dont post in it, its like they're rejecting your ideas and stating you have nothing in common with them.

My excuse for not posting in threads is cause:
A) Too many of the same type
ex. Most FF threads.
B) Too many in the same board and dont have the time
ex. Intro thread
C) I enjoy reading posts rather than posting tbh.
ex. Spammy threads
it makes me excited because people actually give me the time of day to listen to my opinions and share their views on issues that matter to me
Aye, likewise. And it also serves as a devil's advocate during certain issues. Someone might get in on the subject who has a completely opposing view and reading what they have to say on the matter will make me further understand another viewpoint. Or perhaps someone will get on and point out something I hadn't realized. That's what I get out of it. Or even just a good laugh sometimes if it's an amusing thread and people are bullshitting around...or if someone is making a complete asshole of themselves lol.

As far as inspiration for creating them, that can vary and change with the wind. Might be something I read or saw, thought of while bored, or anything else.
I feel good because it´s nice to know people found it interesting...or just had nothing better to do at the time.
Haha. I'd rather think of them finding it interesting.

I know that if I didn't find a topic/thread interesting, I wouldn't post in it.