Where am I? (possible spoilers)


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 29, 2007
I am at the boss at The Zanarkand Trials, where theres the boss with the circles and you use a trigger button to move around the circles. So how far am I in the game? Am I almost done?
Not really.
Because you still have a ways to go beating all the bosses and other stuff like that --- but that's timewise.
The plot is coming to a close, if I remember correctly, by this point.

There's only all that talking and cutscenes and fighting Yunalesca, fighting Sin, getting into Sin....shouldn't spoil that for you.
But no, you're almost there.
Technically speaking you could complete the game in a few hours...you've just got
Yunalesca, sin and Jecht
left to fight, but you'll probably want to get all the ultimate weapons and Aeons first so the games got quite a lot of life in it (playability wise) but not so much left Plotwise
But what if they suck at FFX like I did? It could take longer than that. dae0528, how much damage can you deal?
I dont really train alot, so i don't think I'm that good, but i know that wakka hits about 5,000-2,000, Tidus 3,000-1,000, i don't remember the rest but Auron has the highest Hp with 5,000 something.
Then you should be fine until the end of the game. That jecht is a bioch. I suggest you customize some stoneproof armor for that battle and have some ethers.
You defiantly have enough hp and damage
You have a few bosses left and a few areas but if you want to do thew sidequests then you are nowhere near done
ok thanks, am i gonna get an airship pretty soon? do they use airships in this game that you can fly on your own?
No, not really.
What you've got is what you stick with the rest of the game, so no.
One of the bad points of FFX actually.
You'll get the airship after yunalesca but you can't fly it around like the previous ff's
I love flying Airships.. FFVIII was the best. So many places to go and see, so many things to get.