Where are you going when you die?

Where are you going when you die?

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idk.. really no one does... i hope i do go 2 heavan though but ppl in my family say i do some pretty dumb Shit:devil: :smartass: so i dunno lol
100% sure I'm going to heaven. No need for doubt or worry over sins when you're saved by grace.:)
If there is a hell, that's where i'm goin'. But i'm not going to die. Ever.
I'm personally not for sure. Pretty confident I'd make to Heaven for people who use that term, but then I question it. So it's just a matter of when the time arrives.
I'm going to Hell. I have a nice little condo booked out there. Kinda handy when you know a couple of demon princes. X3 *pets teh Luceus, Inficere, Daran, and Desper*
after death heaven awaits me and shall go there and will throw others in hell...
I'll go to hell, where anyone whoever played an E minor and enjoyed the heavy riffs of metal go.

If your a metal head I'll meet ya there.
I think I'll be headin' to heaven. I believe in God, try to stay out of trouble, don't give people unnecassary trash. (Hardly do it at all.)
I don't really know..
I just hope there is something after life, don't want to stop existing ;)
lets face the truth all of us going to hell and denying it makes no difference
In my opinion I'm going nowhere - I don't believe in any sort of an afterlife, so I will just be cremated most likely (would prefer that to burial).
Underground. Maybe reborn I don't know. Certainly won't be going to a fake place called Heaven, seeing as I don't believe in God.
Being reborn would be interesting, although I suppose I'd never know that I was reborn had I been it. Also, if I believe in karma I hope I don't get reborn as a maggot or something. I don't believe in God and all that jazz and suppose that will make sure I wont go to heaven or hell, but instead just end my days rotting in the soil somewhere.
If this thread is abiding by the writings of the bible, then by holy jesus, I'M GOING TO HELL!