Where did you get your username from?

Anubis (for those that dont know) is the Egyptian god of death, or at least in the anceint times it was, dont know about now.

so being his minion effectively makes me the egyiptian grim reaper

and anyone that does not know what a minion is should be shot
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Mmmm... ChocoCoco.. O_O

Oh well.. it's quite simple!^^

1st: I love chocolate!
2nd: It's a sweet name to say!^^
3rd: It's funny too!^^ I'm often cheerful! So.. ChocoCoco express well a side of my personality!^^
4th: It inspired me!^^
My name, "Turbo". Came from American Gladiators. I watched the show on occasion, so that's where I picked it up.
I came up with Miakyo for a Final Fantasy XI username. And it has stuck through every forum or place I have entered that's needed a username.

The name only relates to one thing I honestly never knew about. A hotel in Japan I believe called the Miakyo hotel. However, the name came completley from my head.

M - the first letter in my real name.

Then I mixed it up with places I know, Mainly a warehouse super store here called Makro. It just kind of shaped up to the name I have today.
mine comes from a charactor in my favourite movie ever and possibly the best film ever made . Kill Bill , Johnny Mo was the leader of the crazy 88 (long story)
the minigame of FF9. I really love that card game and hope to become a master of it. hehe
Mine has nothing to do with the group of people. There's a concept car called the Aztec. I liked the design of it when I was younger so I used it as my username for "Need for Speed: Hot Pursuits". I liked it so I kept it for other games. About four years ago, I was trying to come up with a suitable last name and a friend of mine came up with Triogal. I liked it, even though a lot of people mispronounce it or get confused over it. But I liked it, so I used it and still do to this day.
PreZ = (short)PresZidane
Bandit = I have 2 fake AIM accounts named The LMAO Bandit and The ROFL Bandit
I'm obsessed with basketball so when I was 14 I chose "BustaKillaMove21" as my AOL instant messenger screen name. When I joined my first set of forums about 4 years ago, I decided to shorten it up by going with "BustaMo".

"Busta" has beent eh short hand form of it for quite some time, and during high school basketball and volleyball, it was my nickname.

EDIT: I Hate being called "BM"!
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I got Wullfe from being a loner most of my life. In Junior High, I was one of the faster kids on the track team, as such, also Wullfe (Sprint like a wolf). I misspelled it on purpose, to emulate what was popular at the time (rappers misspelling their names). Legendary just because I've led a life that's legendary. If I wrote it all down in a book it would very scary.
I got my name Kajie from my big brother. When I said I wanted a user name, he just blurted out the name Kajie. That's why I'm using it now. I don't know where he got the name from though. And I never bothered to ask. :P
Kyril is from Suikoden Tactics. I'm a huge Suikoden fan...well RPG fan, but Suikoden is one of my top favourites. Chibi Kyril got my attention in Suikoden Tactics, even though the game was quite a letdown.

But the name is pretty neat so I decided to use it ^^
Well, VIII over VII is obvious...
my usual name is Knuzcano, (nuzz-kay-no, not news-kan-o, as some people in voice chat call me) a name of my own invention
it was first Fuuz, (fooz, from my love of foozball) but some guy started using that, then i made Knuzcu, which also got stolen, so now i use Knuzcano
if this is stolen, i still have Charas, Kyban, (ki-bun) and Ziken (zee-kun) as reserves :P
those are my secondary MMORPG names, when i already used knuzcano