Where to get this game?


Mar 3, 2014
Once I finish up V and X the only FF games ill be missing 1-10 only play list is 1-4. I spent most of my FF game times playing 6,7,8 and tactics mostly. I have played 1 and 2 but never all the way until the end and honestly IV is the only one of these I truly care about completing after all the good things I have read about it.

So my question is how can you play this game with no psp or vita? I dont understand why you cant play on ps3 but whatever. I'm not a fan of emulator's but if that is the only way I'll do that but any helpful comments or links would be much appreciated I would love to experience this classic!!
Well if you wanna experience it in its classic forum I would say get a PSP or vita... but if that isn't an option. They made a DS remake that I am not a fan of. There is also a GBA version you can buy, then there is the Playstation version which came with Chrono Trigger, the disks together were called "Final Fantasy Chronicles." Otherwise you have to go to the Snes version (called II in America at the time) and that one can be a little pricey....

Your best bet would be Amazon, or if you have a local store that has older games, you can always look there.
Well if you wanna experience it in its classic forum I would say get a PSP or vita... but if that isn't an option. They made a DS remake that I am not a fan of. There is also a GBA version you can buy, then there is the Playstation version which came with Chrono Trigger, the disks together were called "Final Fantasy Chronicles." Otherwise you have to go to the Snes version (called II in America at the time) and that one can be a little pricey....

Your best bet would be Amazon, or if you have a local store that has older games, you can always look there.

Thanks for that i'll price a Vita which I could use since it goes hand in hand with the ps3 anyhow. I do remember FF Chronicles but since this slim ps3 doesn't have playback I'm stuck with vita/psp option mainly.
Thanks for that i'll price a Vita which I could use since it goes hand in hand with the ps3 anyhow. I do remember FF Chronicles but since this slim ps3 doesn't have playback I'm stuck with vita/psp option mainly.

PS3 slim doesn't have playback??? I mean they can't play PS2 disks, but they can still play PS1 disks. Just an option for you. You can buy the Chronicles version and play it on your PS3 (y)
PS3 slim doesn't have playback??? I mean they can't play PS2 disks, but they can still play PS1 disks. Just an option for you. You can buy the Chronicles version and play it on your PS3 (y)

Really? Well damn I bought FF7, 8 and 9 along with MGS1 for no reason on PSN then lol. I assumed if it didn't play ps2 games it didn't play PS1 games. I feel dumb now lol but thanks for that info!!
I am so thankful I read this thread! Just like ShadyLegend, I assumed my PS3 couldn't play PS1 games! Hell yeah!!! This makes me so happy!

I'm glad you learned something from this. I cant believe the games I bought twice not knowing this :( oh well they only cost 10 bucks.