Where were you that fateful day 15 years ago (9/11)


Nov 29, 2013
I was driving to college and just heard about the 2nd plane hitting when I got to my first class.
I think I would have been still at school when it occurred.

For some reason I remember my 4 year old self watching the TV in 1997 when it incessantly covered Princess Diana's death, but I don't recall anything on the day of the attacks or the days that immediately followed. 9/11 would have certainly been all over UK news for an exorbitant amount of time. It could just be my faulty memory, or perhaps my parents were doing all they could to make sure their 7-8 year old wasn't exposed to and distressed by the permanent image of two towers in flames.
It was a sad day I remember..... I was home from school and then my mum told me many of my dad's friends in New York died in an airplane attack. My Dad cried a lot that day and it was a little sad to remember. I was most definitely uninformed until it was all over the news.
I was at school.. they actually kept the new quiet and i didn't hear until the end of the day.. apparently word had got around and someone told me what had happened.. I didn't believe it at the time, seemed to unlikely to be real.. though once I got home i saw the news and remember watching it through most of the following weekend as all the fallout happened
I had just arrived in my first class during the day, in middle school. Since I was only like in 6th grade and lived halfway across the country, I'm not going to pretend that it actually effected me in any way emotionally. I was too young to get it, so the heartbreak and fear that everyone else was feeling passed me by. That being said, I knew something was seriously wrong, because one of the peppy/happiest teachers I've ever had couldn't keep her composure, and eventually was permitted to leave. What I'll always remember is not how the event itself made me feel, but how its effect cascaded across the country, and broke the hearts of so many other people. The sadness in her eyes is something I'll never forget.
My school was closed because building work hadn't finished in time. We had an extra few weeks off while they constructed temporary portacabins to serve as classrooms.

I was therefore at home painting Warhammer figurines with the television on behind me. My mom had left the news on, I think, so I began to hear the news when the first tower was hit. Later, my mom told me about the second plane in disbelief and I started to hear a lot more about what was going on then.

I've always had a lot of empathy, so I was shocked and saddened by it even though it didn't directly affect my life. I couldn't stop thinking about it and what it might have been like being the people who were in the towers. The bit that shocked me the most was hearing and seeing pictures of the people who jumped or fell out of towers to escape the smoke and fire.
Let's see, I was in Chemistry class. The door was closed and I remember hearing a knock and people running by the door. Usually I wouldn't be worried, but it sounded like an active shooter with all the folk crying and running to the TV in the computer lab.

A representative walked in and started talking to us and told us all to remain seated.

The official announcement that a plane flew into the World Trade Center and another into the Pentagon. We didn't know about the 2nd plane. They mentioned they were pulling up the teleprompter in the Gym and also TVs in the cafeteria. I went and watched in the computer lab and found out what went down.

I knew my father was in the air at the time. I instantly called on my cell to my mom if he knew if my paps was safe. I got a phone call directly after from my Dad saying his flight was out of Philly. Some arsehole had the indecency to say someone had bombed the president's helicopter. /facepalm attention seekers.

The whole day turned into watching the TV and us getting let out for 3. Track practice was cancelled for the day. I remember coming home and watching and re-watching stuff. We found out no one was hurt in the family, but we did know the impending fear was more terrorism or war. War it was.. and I remember G W Bush Jr. sitting up on the podium mentioning that it was a declaration of war.

Terrifying to say the least, but that year was a lot of crap.
My students asked me this yesterday - what a coincidence!

I was in school. I can't actually remember how we heard about it. I have a vague memory of watching it on the school TV, but part of me thinks it's a false memory. I may have heard about it on the radio when I got home.
School. I went home for my lunch which is something I rarely ever did but saw that on the news. My da was glued to the TV watching what was happening. At the time I was young but even then I realised how serious this was. In my lifetime up til then at least nothing like this had ever happened. Despite being half the world away it was still shocking. As an adult now it's even more terrifying. I'm not one to bat an eyelid at terrorist attacks. When they're so far away from you it's impossible to relate or feel affected by it but the 9/11 event was truly a sad day for human history. Those poor fuckers jumping out the building while it was on fire. How can you not care?
I was at school but I was so young (6 years old) I hardly remember anything. ^^""
I just remember that it was all over my city, there were news about it on all tv channels and people talked a lot about it for weeks. But because I live in Europe the impact of this tragical event wasn't as big as in the USA.

I'm so sorry for all of this... and I would like to express my sympathy for all of you who have lost someone precious due to this terrible terrorist attack. :(
I was at home, still getting ready for school. I didn't hear about the news until 2nd period, English class. Our teacher made a speech about it once class started. During lunch break I watched the news a bit in my chemistry class (few of my teachers had gathered there). The gravity of the situation didn't really hit me until I got home though, and I tuned in to the news some more with my stepmom.

One of my friend's uncle was a fireman who either died that day in New York, or was badly injured. I can't remember for the life of me, but my friend had written a report about it the week after the event, submitted it to my English teacher, and apparently got scolded in the process. My English teacher didn't believe her and she reported it to her family, and I think they took it up with the teacher or someone higher up. I remember her telling me about it and she was so angry she was close to tears.
8th grade, left class to use the restroom which involved walking through the library. There was a TV turned onto the news in the library with people huddled around watching. I saw as the second plane hit live. I remember watching the OJ Simpson trial in class when I was super young too.
I had gotten ready for work (worked afternoons) and was going to get my mail before leaving and the neighbor told me about it. I didn't like watching the news, still don't. went back in and turned it on that time though.