Where would you choose to live?

I would choose Ivalice too because I wouldn't have any random encounters.
And because you can just use teleport stones to get around.
Hard choice, for me its between 8 and 12. I love both worlds because they are completely different and fasinating!
FFX and the world of Spira. I would love to play Blitzball in Luca, have a resort on Besaid Island for the seasons, train myself in the Monster Arena branching off the Calm Lands, and then go skiing off of Mt. Gagazet in the winter.

Spira has it all if you think of it. Missing a member of your family or a close friend that has passed away? Go visit the Farplane! FFX it is for me!
I would pick the world of FFVIII. I really liked the different locations and got a feel for them as settings and as symbols. I would probably want to live in Timber or Balamb.

The world of FFX was also great. I would like to have lived in Kilika Port without the threat of Sin, but before it got overgrown and way too busy. Besaid was also nice.

Actually, I felt like the world of FFXII was pretty small - that's where I feel like the omission of the overworld fails. Whereas in previous Final Fantasies, you could really scour the planet, in FFXII you could only go to prescribed areas and follow given paths. The image of the map (such as when you go to the skyport) was a big clincher - to see that there were edges of the map that you could never get close to made it seem like the game area was small.
To be honest, I wouldn't want to live on any of the worlds as there is always some evil force trying to end the world. :P If I had to choose then probably Gaia in FFIX or FFV's world since they all seem less serious as both seem to be pretty humorous even at inappropriate times.
It would be Ivalice. I'm going to disregard the fact that's it's teeming (infested xD) with dangerous monsters and traps by who knows how and when they got there and who replaces them every time...xD

I like how there's so much detail with that world, which is to be expected for a game of that caliber. I'd like to live in Rabanastre too, or Bur-Omisace would be nice, but I'm not that religious. ;D
hmm I'd like to live in FF9 Gaia. there are lots of cool places there like the Ice Cavern, Treno, Alexandria and Daguerreo wow I'd like to read books there. lol
I think I would want to live in FFVIII or X world. IX world is lovely and all but they don't have advanced technology. FFVIII have cities like Deling and peaceful towns like Balamb.

Other than Sin, FFX would be fun to live in. You can breath underwater! I probably stay in Luca.
I would like to live on Spira.

It's like you know almost everyone.

I'd have a home in Kilika (X-2) or in Besaid. It would be awesome living there.
Hmm, that's a difficult decision. I'd probably say Spira 'cause it's so different to where I live now. It would be lovely to live there. The place is simply marvelous and it feels less urban than the worlds of some other games. I love small villages like Besaid, and the sunsets there are lovely. :)

Sin would be gone!

I'm not sure where I'd live. Besaid would be nice, but it feels a little secluded since it's an island. Now if I had an airship, I'd live there. No problem!
hmm well i think its gotta be gaia from FFIX hands down for me. its such a laid back world, and the only real dangers are the wars queen brahne brings and the fact that garland wants the world to end, big deal. i would definitely wanna live in alexandria too, and i'd probably try to get a job in the castle too, maybe be one of steiner's knights. then i'd steal garnet from zidane ^_^
It would have to be FFIX gaia. That place was so pretty and there where so much to see! Each town was very unique and there was just so much mystery to it even in the mist continent.
either the world of DoC or X-2

DoC because there might be a chance that i might run into vincent, cloud or someone else in cloud's little crew

X-2 because i could just change my outfit by using a dressphere, and the world is very pretty

Da Blitz, yah? :monster: