Where would you choose to live?

I can't choose between Ivalice and Spira. Meh, I choose Spira.
Reasons: Da blitz, all that history... fiends comin' out of nowhere, and the people there are friendlier I guess
yeah ^^; i am such a cream puff. i'd rather order creatures to fight for me rather than get in there myself
cool ^^

i sure hope lightning won't be wussy like aerith or slutty like X2 yuna...even if she DID kick a little more ass
FFVIII - I love the Deling City and Esthar. My second choice would be Spira - FFX, I love the warm tropical atmosphere that most of the planet enjoy.
I t would have to be FF Xs Spira. Spira is the most beautiful world Square has produced thus far. The world is abuntant with lush beautiful vistas that would be just heaven to live in. Blitzball would be a dream to witness in real-life. The world also has so much history, which makes it that more beautiful. Luca, Zanarkand, Calm Lands, Bevelle; Spira is just great.

I would also love to be dropped into the world of:
Ivalice (FFXII)
Gaia (FFIX)
id have to say VIII or X i think.......

X just looks nice and VIII is just cool
Gotta be Gaia from IX for lindblum, airships, and a rebuilt burmecia either there or Ivalice or maybe FF8 cause they'd be such a cool place to live :P
I didn´t like FF8 since its world is too futuristic for fantasy game but I would live in FF8 world.

My reasons:

FFIV world has way too many monsters so and I so wouldn´t like if I were hiking and then 100 monsters suddenly surround me. And no things that make our life easy like good hospitals.

FFV is same reason as FFIV.

FFVI is my favorite FF but I wouldn´t like to live in a world which crawls with thieves and in WoR things are very bleak.

FFVII is almost good but mako energy wasnt never-ending and I think many towns were polluted.

FFVIII is filled with same technology as we have and even more advanced. This is the world we all would be able to really live. Come on people, when nowadays life is so much easier compared to history so FFVIII world is the world where everybody would survive.

FFIX world is also filled with monster and no present pleasures.

In Spira all people have terrible clothes, no present pleausures and I don´t like if Sin destroyed my home town every other week.

Ivalice hasn´t either any present pleasures although Vaans scene with Reks in the hospital was modern hospital but I always consider it as a Vaans imagination.
Well, i would prefer to live in pretty much any of the final fantasy worlds... but if i had to choose just one, i would live in Ivalice, because when i play FFXII i feel i have more adventure in that one and i think there are more places than any other that you were able to explore in the other games, also if i was to live in an area in FFXII i would live in Archades, or Rabanastre, no idea why
Final Fantasy VIII would be the place where I would live, there are plenty of nice areas there. Balamb, Esthar, Deling, Dollet, Timber and a few others. Balamb and Timber would probably be my favorite places in the game, Esthar is quite nice as well. If I didn't pick VIII, then I would have to say X because that game has quite a few beautiful places. I like Guadosalam, Moonflow, Besaid Beach and many others. Lovely places. :)
I thought there was already a similar topic like this here? Maybe it died. Anyway, no matter how many topics there are on this subject my answer will always be the same:

IX Gaia. It's got a lovely fantasy feel to it, there's lots of things you could be like a bounty hunter or merc or dragoon or whatever. If you wanted technology you could always go to Lindblum, it would be awesome to see everything being developed.
i would choose ff10 because depsite sin been around i like the peaceful look of spira, if they got rid of the fiends so that n one had to fight all the time it would be the perfect be the perfect place to live.
FFIX Gaia is for me to the most beautiful planet. Everything is just perfect, towns, forests, mountains. The idea of this place is just right for an ff game.
Final Fantasy VII- in advent children it just looks really amazing and theres so much to explore with many different areas. you could just go breeding chocobos in the chocobo farm, fly around in the highwind, go for a great day out to the Gold saucer or just run round fighting random beasts.

and FFXII- its really vast and loads of places to go, you also choose what battles you want to do and can teleport and fly around. you can choose what weapons you want and what you want to do in the world.
Hmm. Well, putting all of the storyline/plot stuff aside, I'd probably say FF12. FF9 was nice and all, but only a few cities interested me (Alexandria, Lindblum, and Treno). FF10 was amaaazing, but there's something about it that says that I just wouldn't want to live there. Besaid Island would be cool though, or Kilika from FFX-2. Or maybe even Bevelle!

In FF12, I just love all of the different cities and environments. I'd probably want to live on Bhujerba; a fricking city IN THE AIR! It was also felt aged, with the architecture of the buildings and all that. Rabanastre and Archades were very cool as well.
Oh tough. X__x
There are a lot of specific locations that I like, but none of them are in the same game!

I might have to say Spira...after all, it has the most recreational activity...
Blitzball, chocobo games, catching butterflies. ^.^
i would want to go to the world of final fantasy viii, i would get to kick seifers ass, ride an airship thats totally kick ass, kick seifers ass, ride some chocobos, did i mention kick seifers ass?
I would most likely choose Spira. I am familiar with the world Final Fantasy X. Spira is a technologically advanced world as well. I choose to revive Zanarkand as well, and the threat of Sin is already no more.

Not many would want to live in the world of Final Fantasy I or II.
Final Fantasy VIII or VII. That way I wouldn't have to worry about not having access to modern day equipment like phones, television sets, computers, and most important: decent plumbing.