where would you like to live in ff9

i would live inside of Osma or however you spell his name(hardest boss(extra optional)because i would just be so safe lol
Treno probably. I like the night life and the opportunity to strike it rich in card games or master my skills in the battle arena against some of the areas strongest fiends. Then maybe hook up with the Stellazzio Queen for a one-night stand, get her coins, and pack up and move to Burmencia and grow tomatos.

LMAO! Thats exactly what i would do xD! Mind if i join you... until we get to Stellazzio... then i may have to kill you xD jk heh.. Anyways I love gambling (I know not a good thing) so i think this place would be perfect for me
I guess I'd live in Quan's Dwelling or Maybe Treno. Haha. Cool places, if I say so myself.

If I am not mistaken I think Quan's Dwelling is close to Treno anyway, I can just live in the Dwelling and walk to Treno. =)
Dali! For it's simple life.. Very soothing..
Lindblum would be a cool place to live in though. (I'd choose Dali if compared, however..)
I'd probably live in Treno. It's supposedly eternally night there, and I hate the Sun, so it's a perfect match! :P
I would LOVE to live in Treno. I would grow up as a thief, steal some richies from nobles, sell the crap, buy an airship (or steal one), go to Lindbulm, and join Baku's thief gang. =D It would be totally fun flirting with Blank and mocking Cinna's face :P
And talking to both Baku's niece and nephew about how fat Baku is.
Burmecia: Realm of Eternal Rain. i like rain and i love the music there, its my favorite place to get to in the game.
Ipsens Castle's where all the parties'll be at. Fuck gravity, I have money :P
I'd live in Alexandria, Lindblum or Treno or Burmecia.

Alexandria because it rubs off this nostalgic feel when you're in there.. and this thing I can't explain. I guess it reminds me of 7th grade History vaguely. o_o

Treno is just beautiful, and much things to do. A late night out to get drunk, gamble and auction my ass off.

Lindblum is so vast and wide. So much things to do and to see every day. Festival of the hunt is one thing I'd be real excited for. Watching the ships roll by, and running around. Such grand.

Burmecia is lovely, I like the rain and how everything seems to be set up.
Treno seems like my sort of town. It's always night and there's lots of fun to be had. But the crime's a bit of a turn off. Still, you'd know what to do if you were low on cash XD