Where would you like to live?

Besaid Island and Kilika! I can't decide between the 2. Both peaceful, quiet, quaint little towns by the beach. Love it. If ever I need to go to the city to live, Luca is the place.
I loved walking around in Besaid, but maybe that was because of the background music xD Either way the weather is great there, and just had a laid back feeling to it. Luca would also be fun to live.
I need to live in a city. Small towns and villages just don't suit me well, I tend to lose my mind. That said, Luca or ancient Zanarkand would do nicely.
I need to live in a city. Small towns and villages just don't suit me well, I tend to lose my mind. That said, Luca or ancient Zanarkand would do nicely.

Same here, small towns blow, especially in the winter.

I'm going with Luca.
Eryute is a nice quiet place to stay at:D No humes just peace and quiet.......

Lets becareful where we post eh? This is the FFX section, not XII

I think Id quite like to settle in Kilika - post Sin. I like that it's all on like boards on the water, it cool, and always looked really nice in the game. I think I said th emoonflow origianlly, but Im not really cut out for camping.....so, yeah Kilika
I'm a melancholic person and I like decadent atmospheres, so I'd go for Omega ruins — a place filled with mystery. I'd live there and exercise myself (there are many powerful fiends, if I remember correctly) in order to protect the ruins from adventurers :P
I'm a melancholic person and I like decadent atmospheres, so I'd go for Omega ruins — a place filled with mystery. I'd live there and exercise myself (there are many powerful fiends, if I remember correctly) in order to protect the ruins from adventurers :P

LOL that's a very unique choice there. Haha so a protector of the ruins you'd be the enemy for other interested adventurers like Tidus and co.? Haha Omega Ruins would be a nightmarish place for me to live in
Heh, the lake in the Macalania woods ;) Tres pretty..however...if I were to choose somewhere to live without being a complete hermit.... I would probably go with Besaid, very laid back and you could spend all your time swimming and exploring the island:)
It would be nice to also live in Macalania because it is a very nice place. The woods are beautiful and is a perfect kissing spot just like whut Tidus and Yuna did. The spring is the best part because its a nice swimming place. But I think Besaid like I stated earlier.
I'd totally choose to live by the Moonflow. Just to "Ride Ze Shoopuf!" over and over, those things are awesome. xD

That or inside Sin. MWAHAHAHA!
For me, it's a toss up between Luca and the Moonflow. Macalania would be nice too, but even if it's in the woods, you're still near the frozen lake. I bet Macalania Woods has the cold feeling like its nearby lake.

The Moonflow is pretty. It lies in between Macalania and Luca. Luca is more urban and has shops. That way you don't have to travel for days for supplies.
Kilika would be my second choice:P yes the peaceful beauty of that water place is something where i would go after the meditating mt. Gagazet, and after the worm besaid island...... ah.... nice to live in that world, but there are realy in our world places like that too, mission time: "see the world, earth"! starting time: "after the exams"! LOL
Heathen - i totaly agree with your many places to visit and never be in one place all the time
I think the Moonflow would be nice, but I would definitely go with Besaid. Everyone knows eachother there and are so friendly. Not only is it such a nice, peaceful place, but it seems like somewhere you could be yourself. There's also the ocean you can visit every once in a while. That would be nice :)
thunder plain if they play the piano version of the music around like in the game..
Probably Luca. It's calm, not attacked often, bustling, has sports. I dunno'. Sounds like my kind of place. Especially the weather. Seems a lot like the bay.
Besaid, tropical islands are full of win because they have awesome beaches and gorgeous sunshine 8D, also, the idea of living in a large city doesn't sound all that exciting to me, so I'd happily live on an island where everyone knows and is friends with everyone else and no rules :ryan: