Where would you like to live?

Dream Zanarkand

You never age ;), it's always night, and it seems like everything is nice and peaceful. Well, until Sin attacks, but whatever. I'd love to live in DZ.
I'd go live with the Ronso on Mt Gagazet, that looked cool to me. If not, probably somewhere along the Djose Highroad. Close to Luca, on the mainland, a bit ugly but cosy.
Love to live in Luca! Its buzzing, the people are full of energy, you can see the dolphins of spira and you are at the heart of blitzball what more could you ask for??
I also think that Besaid would be a great place cause its so peaceful and realxing and just a place where yd want to raise a family until sin attacks :D but if it was after sin was defeated it would be an awesome place. Id play blitzball all day! heh
Mine would have to be Besaid aswell just spending all day lying on the beach, and hopefully not getting attacked by sin!!
Zanarkand because it looks high tech and I love that, Luca because of blitzball and the movie theaters, and Besaid because it's peaceful, and it has a beach. <3
I would love to live in Kilika or Dream Zanarkand

Please put more effort into your posts. SS.
Depends to me on wat era.... to me FFX small kilka would be my ideal place.. lush trees and ocean... small community built around love for one another.. luca id assume will be hard to live in seeing as there are no houses :huh: but wen kilka becomes too big like in x-2 id move to besaid which is even more beautiful
Besaid because its so peaceful there and i could play blitzball with wakka and the crew. Then maybe Yuna would stumble upon me and ill go on a journey... heh. Luca wouldnt be bad during blitzball season. Luca would be good to cause i like to shop and it looks like a big town with alot of stores so i would definitly shop around xD
I'd want to live with the Shoopuf, somewhere along the Moonflow. That place is just so beautiful.

If not there I would live in the Calm Lands. It may not be as beautiful as the Moonflow, but it is still nice and open. I love open areas...
Besaid Island for my summer resort.

Luca for the Blitzball season to train and play in the tournament in the Spring.

Clam Lands Monster Arena in the Autumn to train up my warrior skills.

Mt. Gagazet Ski Resort in the Winter. I would own it and make mucho dinero.
That would be the underwater ruins for me...
xD No but seriously, I think it would be Mi'ihen Highroad, just riding around on a chocobo all day.
Probably Macalania woods, before it goes of course. I just loved it, the giant orbs, the secret area, all that water. And I just love forests in particular. Then I'll probably move to Macalinia after the woods go and go looking in the giant hole and take a closer look at Macalania Temple. Plus, I'm close to Bevelle and Guadosalam
Mt. Gagazette would be a good place to live too just cause it be fun to throw snowballs at the Ronso and then run away. i could also snowboard and toboggin... if then have those in FFX :monster: