Where would you like to live?

I would like to live In Japan or Like Hack .......
Japan isnt in FFX also Hack is just a online game that people play and they are all into the game a little bit to much. But i am a fan of the Dot Hack game series. Well back to the subject, i would want to live in the Moonflow area. I mean looks so nice and peacful.
Mt. Gagadzet seemed pretty awesome. But...I'm not a Ronso soooo....I highly doubt that'll happen. Macalania is also a good option. They have a permenate skating rink, thanks to the temple below the lake^^
I would like to live in Besaid, its a very peaceful and beautiful place, the people there are all nice and friendly. Its also near the ocean, so its very relaxing and confortable.
I guess I can also consider Guadosalam. But is Seymour is gonna be there, I'll burn down his house, and throw him into the Farplane!!!!

Speaking os ther Farplane...doesn't it look like a goregeous place to go to once you kick the bucket?^^
If Home wasn't destroyed I would've lived there along with the Al Bhed...

Besaid is my #1 option anyway. As Ruka said, very relaxing, peaceful and good atmosphere.
Hmm I think that I would like to actually live in either Besaid or Tidus's Zanarkand. I've got a bit of a relaxation side, where I like to take things so and live somewhere that's peaceful, yet I have a party side that just wants to go out and have fun all night till the early hours.

So it makes it a bit hard to choose between the two, but if I really, really had to decide then I would honestly have to say Besaid for sure.
Zanarkand either one it's all good, i just like the idea of living in a place with all the busyness and vibe of Zanarkand, also haveing Blitzball on your doorstep that's gotta be good.

But upon failing to find a nice place in Zanarkand i suppose i could settle in Luca or Besaid.
Dream Zanarkand

You never age ;), it's always night, and it seems like everything is nice and peaceful. Well, until Sin attacks, but whatever. I'd love to live in DZ.
actually its not always night and you do age, how do you think that Tidus remembers being a kid, how did he go from a kid to a 17 year old teenager? and In the lake scene in macalania Tidus said that him and Yuna would go to the sea before THE SUN rises.

Your all gonna think I'm weird but I don't care, I would live in the present Zanarkand, plenty of monsters to train on, not that many annoying people and an amazing yet horrifying scene all the time, you can live in peace with any friends you want there, and you get to play with monkey's lol

although living in the Dream Zanarkand would be too, so I would live in the Dream Zanarkand but I'd prefer the present ruin one
after thinking about it for a while i figure that i would want to live in either besaid or Kilika. Sunny beach, girls in Bikini's running about. Granted if Sin was to return there would be a greater threat of Death.
I would want to live by the Moonflow(hmm, my name... and the location.... no connection:nudge:.) It's beautiful and in between Luca and Guadosalam(well, nearish Luca depending on if were talking before(chocobos?) or after the start of the Eternal Calm (hovers!). Maybe a little up river from the Shoopufs though as the smell might be rancid. Its also pretty much the midpoint between Luca and Bevelle (through the Thunder Plains and Macalania Woods taking the path next to the one to the Calm Lands.)
thats difficult cus all three most likely have white sand if you go to the beaches, Spira is pretty much a tropical world except for Macalania, the Thunder Plains, Mt. Gagazet (only cus its a huge mountain) and Bikanel Desert (only cus well its a desert), and Kilika gets too crowded incase you haven't played FFX-2 so did I help you make up your mind? And Besaid would be mad busy nowadays too cus Tidus and Yuna live there
Kilika or Besaid. Both beautiful places

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your post and say why you think Kilika/Besaid. Thank you. ^^
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Zanarkand before it got all... destroyed and crud. It looks like a big city, but not the bad kind with high homicide rates. :D

Or maybe Bevelle. Another big city, but with majesty rather than awesomeness.

I like the whole circular feel to the place, with the docks, blitzball arena. and the sphere theatre is an interesting place too of course.
Hmm there were a lot of good places to live in the game, well sorta. I guess in a list of choices would be

1; Macalania,
Hello that place is just absolutely beautiful. I'd probably build my own little place near the spring somewhere xD.
2; Luca,
I'm half city gal, so I wouldn't mind living in a big one. Specially one that looked like that.
3; Besaid,
Need I say anything else? The place is just a beautiful as Macalania, and it's pretty peaceful. Besides going to the beach everyday without having to travel is a plus in my books =P


4; Dream Zanarkand,
Can't believe I forgot this place but anyways, the night lights are what it's all about. Go out and have fu all night, that place would be perfect for me seeing as i'm a night owl XD