Where would you live?

Galbadia Garden - All the perks of being in a garden but being close to Deling city, Dollet and Timber is better than just boring Balamb!
I'd like that little town that Laguna protects from monsters. Really quiet, peaceful and stuff. It could do with a few more houses, but that's it. Perfect :griin:.

I also like Balamb town and Fisherman's Horizon :s.
FH is a really nice place, it is. It has a great ambiance. But overall, I much prefer a big-city vibe.

The reason aside from what I already said that I want Tears' Point is similar to the same reason I would choose Law City Zenebatos: I like strange places. In such places, I blend in by standing out, quirky and uncontrolled, a force of nature.

That, and the pseudo-religious approach to the world that most of the residents have. It's almost fatalistic, defeatist, nihilistic.
Esthar might be a little bit too weird for me. I get that it is a scientifically super-advanced utopia with an isolationist policy (like Wakanda or Rapture). I’d probably enjoy living there for a while, but I wouldn’t want to be trapped in a place like that for too long. Utopias risk becoming dystopias.
I like weird, quirky places but living in Esthar would be a bit too much. There’s a dark side there.

Also, Estharian soldiers look like Power Ranger enemies or Big Bad Beetleborgs…



I’d say that out of the other places in the FFVIII world then perhaps Dollet would be a nice place to live (depending on political circumstances).

Dollet is an overlooked place. As players we know it as the place where Squall and other young SeeD cadets took their ‘finals’ by undertaking a highly dangerous military mission… Students in our real world sometimes joke by comparing their final exams to D-Day, but in the FFVIII world it actually is comparable to D-Day…

The radio tower of Dollet stands out to most players as the main thing going for Dollet, but people overlook that Dollet is / was historically very important in its own right within that game’s universe. The Dollet Empire was a major force which ruled a lot of the world.

There’s a lot of history in that town. It has good architecture with an almost Italian and French feel to it.

Oh… But the Galbadian empire became a thing, and Dollet has a big eyesore of a broadcasting tower which has almost ruined the historic look of the town. And there are giant metallic Wild Wild West-style spiders which chase SeeD students taking their practical exams…

Actually… I’ve decided that I would not like to live in the world of FFVIII…
*pops a Phoenix Down on the thread*

Of all the FF-VIII locations I'd absolutely LOVE to live in Balamb. I love the feel and the vibe that the city has. I love the fact that it's right by the ocean so you have that wonderful breeze coming off the water, the smell of the water, AND the theme song is beautiful! I'd 100% choose Balamb.
Balamb right by the beach. Second would be Esthar. I'd consider Deling if Galbadia gets rid of its military junta government. I'd avoid Winhill, because I lived in a small country town before, and let me tell you, the idealized, fairytale image of living in a small country town ends once you need a good doctor.
Balamb right by the beach. Second would be Esthar. I'd consider Deling if Galbadia gets rid of its military junta government. I'd avoid Winhill, because I lived in a small country town before, and let me tell you, the idealized, fairytale image of living in a small country town ends once you need a good doctor.

Just visiting Winhill in-game was boring. I can't even imagine having to live there.

I'd probably go with Balamb. Sure there are T-Rexaurs in the forests and all but I love a nice beach. That's probably it. In general, the world of FFVIII was kind of depressing.
I'm not exactly someone who enjoys living in the big cities so I probably wouldn't live in Esthar.

I think I would like Balamb the best. I imagine the surrounding landscapes would be lovely! You get the nice beach air, the mountains are close by too . . . and Balamb Garden is not far to study. Monsters aside, I think it would be a nice place to live :)
If I was a student staying at a garden, got to go Trabia, even though it's in a cold place. Timber would be cool just to join an anti-government faction, just because governments suck. And if I'm going to a quiet place, give me Shumi Village. The place is sinfully boring to go to during the game, but it's cool. Though I'm not sure how well the Shumi regard humans living with them (even though they loved Laguna, but I don't have his natural charisma, but do have the wit).
Gonna have to be Balamb Garden. Place is friggin beautiful
  • It's a friggin school where you learn from like the age of 10 upwards how to be an assasin. Pretty much an anime nerds wet dream.
  • There is a nice garden center ( with monsters might I add) that you can visit even if you are traveling.
It would have to be Esthar (only if Laguna were president that is) - I've always been fascinated by futuristic cities and whatnot, and this is a futuristic as you get. The sheer size of the city on the world map is pretty incredible as well and I've gotten lost many times during the story. If Sorceress Adel were ruling at the time, I'd definitely pick Galbadia Garden - love the whole size and feel of the garden, tonnes of cities and towns you could visit nearby during free-time.

Living on the Ragnarok itself sounds pretty rad too - fly anywhere you like at any time...even space. :monster: