

Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
The feck is Penance....

Airship my arse

Iv beaten all the dark aeons and according to the guide I should be able to select him as my next destination... i even wandered to the top of the ship to see if he was hiding there but no.

Is it maybe becasue I paid Yojimbo to kill off the magus sisters? :wacky:

If so, I saved that to a seperate file, I only wanted to if the git would take my money (& for the first time evar he did) & to see what Penance was like and how hard he was but alas, I cant find the swine >_<
According to what I read on some walkthroughs you have to defeat all Dark Aeons and all monsters at Monster Arena.
According to what I read on some walkthroughs you have to defeat all Dark Aeons and all monsters at Monster Arena.

Iv done that, Iv done the monster creations more than once whilst training so I know for a fact I haven't missed any of them. Im like 99% sure Iv done all the dark aeons....I swear, if Iv forgotten to save after one of them I will scream -_-

Down that canyon thingy on the Calm Lands. I think.

I thought taht was were he jumped out from and landed on the airship...or summin...I guess Il go investigate -_-
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List all the Dark Aeons you've beaten. Maybe you missed one?
Lets see if I remember where they are:

Dark Valefor - Besaid Village
Dark Ifrit - somewhere in Bikanel Desert
Dark Ixion - Thunder Plains
Dark Shiva - the temple where you get Shiva
Dark Bahamut - Zanarkand; where you fight Yunalesca
Dark Yojimbo - in the cave where you get Yojimbo
Dark Anima - Mt. Gagazet
Dark Magus Sisters - Mushroom Rock Road
did u beat anima? he shows up at mount gagazet.

I beat tht mofo & the magus sisters last night. I know for a fact iv done dark bhamut becasue he took me forever -_- And I think I sdaved like 3 times after just to be completely sure :wacky:

Im so convinced Iv done them all, Im gunna have to go check tho -_-

Watch this space. there might be a big temper tantrum on it's way :wacky:

*goes to check*
Oh fucking hell -_-

I missed Yojimbo out, Im not a happy bunny, what a cunting annoyance..... I remember fighting the cock rot aswel. Oh well, off I go -_-
Remember the optional 5th fight. The main string of encounters will be met on the way out of the cave, so travel to the end of every branching corridor - there you'll find the fifth fight when you emerge from it.

... if I recall correctly. Also, don't save in-between fights. You can touch the sphere, but DO NOT save at any time.
I left the cave and it reset, I was fuming so I still havent done it, I did 4 of them and couldnt find the fifth....

Cheers Saix, Il make sure I explore the whole lot when I'm feeling slightly less angry with it :monster: