Which Advent Children character will you sleep with?

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
Gabaranth has a thread in the Spam Colliseum where you make a post and at the minute you post, you find out which Kingdom Hearts character you'll sleep with. I decided to do my own version of it, only I'm doing AC and my system's different. By the way, we're going by usernames, not real names. here it is:

1. If your name ends in a consanant (any letter but A,E,I,O,and U), You sleep with Reno.

2. If your name ends in a vowel (A,E,I,O, and U), you sleep with Vincent.

3. If your name has an odd number of letters, you sleep with Cloud.

4. If your name has an even number of letters, you sleep with Rude.

5. If you name has One syllable (Say your name while clapping; however many claps it takes to say your name is how many syllables it has), you sleep with Yuffie.

6. If your name has two syllables in it, you sleep with Cid.

7. If your name has three syllables in it, you sleep with Tifa.

8. If your name has four syllables in it, you sleep with Sephiroth.

9. If your name has five syllables in it, you sleep with Kadaj.

10. If your name has six syllables in it, you sleep with Loz.

11. If your name has seven syllables in it, you sleep with Aerith (or Aeris)

12. If your name has eight or more in it, you have the choice of the following: Rufus Shinra, Wuti, Stvets (spelling may be wrong), The WRO (any of them) and the SOLDIERs.

13. If your name ends with a number, you sleep with Reeve.

14. If your name ends with a symbol, you sleep with Yazoo.

Forgive me if I'm leaving any one out. Notice that you'll most likely get more than one person. Kinky, huh? I got Cloud, Vincent and Kadaj. You'll most likely end up with at least Three people. So it's more like Which AC characters will you have a foursome with? Godd luck, and I hope you don't get someone you hate!
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I got Vincent, Rude & Tifa.

I'm more than happy to go have a roll in the hay with Vincent & Tifa (since they're my favorite characters from VII and they're both effing hot)

But Rude's just gonna have to stand in the corner and watch.
I've got Reno, Rude, and Cid.

I feel violated by this film... *shudders*
Like I said above, I got Vincent, Cloud, and Kadaj. That's my dream pairing.
Sry, I'm not a fag.:P

I demand that if your username has two syllables that you sleep with yuffie.
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Vincent, Rude, and Cid...yes!! Now that's hot. Hmm, although I must say we would all be awake the whole night...not sleeping at all. =)
i got tifa, reno and cloud

yay for threesomes

yay no complaints on tifa :)
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Hey, FFGuy, you've got Reno, as well.

And DarkSquall, would you care to elaborate as to who you got?

EDIT: OHHHHHHHHH! Nasty!!! I just figured out who you got!!! OHHHHH!!!!
im really upset now. i didnt get reno!! i got vincent, rude and sephiroth!!
yeah id sleep with rude.. hes a turk but vincent and sephiroth??
everythings wrong with vincent and sephiroth!!!
i mean seph is EVIL.... ok he may be hot but hes evil. i dont like evil guys
and vincent really isnt my type...