Which Character Are You?

How?! Whenever I answered the Sephiroth answers, which were the ones That were best with me, I always got a random person. It was different each time.

I wanted vincent or sephiroth, but it looks like I turned out to be the hero T_T.
Edit:eek:r Anti-hero XD, whatever.
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<img src=http://pics.livejournal.com/hitori/pic/00035z9k><br>
Which Character Are You? Find out <a href=http://oritsuru.com/quiz/ac target=_blank>Here!</a></center>
I got...

The first time.

I got...

The second time and...

I got...

The third time

That is a really really really weird mixture. I think I'm most like Yuffie.
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I'm Kadaj ^_^

What's kool is that I want to look like Kadaj, I'm actually trying to grow my hair long and then dye it silver/platinum.

"Where's Mother" lol
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FFS all those quizes like "Which FF character are you" are too fucking obvious. I mean, c'mon, in every question there is that "Mother mother mother"...If you have played FFVII you know that mother is Jenova and if you answer this think it will show that you are Sephiroth. I mean, ffs.
There isn't a quiz that surprises me...I know the result anytime. And if it's not Squall, it's Cloud. If it's not Sephiroth, it's Seifer. So? No way it will show me something like Garnet or Yuffie...

Try the quiz i have on my signature

Although it showed me i'm DENZEL-that's quite a surprize :D

There- I wanted Reno and got Reno in less than 1 minute :)
-So did with Kadaj

<img src=http://pics.livejournal.com/hitori/pic/0002rpfc><br>
Which Character Are You? Find out <a href=http://oritsuru.com/quiz/ac target=_blank>Here!</a></center>

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