Which character would you date from FF?

I'd prefer Vincent for a long term relationship. I like angst buckets, plus he seems like someone who just needs someone to take care of him, which I wouldn't mind doing at all %D

For a quick roll in the hay, I'd go for Vincent, Balthier, and Seifer. All at once %D
WTF? probably I'd say none. There frekin cartoons for crying out loud:blink:!!

Ok ok I guess I'll admit it.....Fran. I would grab her by those rabbit ears and um nevermind, yeah Fran's my choice.
It's a bit of fun..sheesh.

Nothing wrong with wanting a Basch type man. They're very delicious. :3
well i would have to say riku she is funny and although shes a bit blond that dont matter cos shes great fun and pretty too
Garnet. Not the prejudice type :)
Beatrix. Hawt and she can hold her own against anyone.

Seifer. Smex. Nothing else needs to be said :P
Vaan. The innocent, naive type. Gotta love 'em.
Did I answer?


He would be my huggle-buddy. ^____^
Wow i had no idea that there were so many girls on these forums.

I'd probably take Tifa but not because of just her looks. I know hat she genuinely cares for Cloud and was there for him throughout all his troubles.

Yuffie would be a pretty close one too though but i would have to make sure i remember how much money is on me before we go out so she doesn't steal it lol.
reno, reno, reno, reno, reno, reno, reno and RENO!!!!! but main characters it would have to be........ actually i dont LIKE any of the main characters!! thats weird...
It'd have to be (in this order)
(for the sake of having at least 1 guy on my list)
for the guys
Seifer let me hear all about that romantic dream of yours
Shuyin hey teach me Blitzball
Noah put down that helmet and kiss and protect me
Basch just hold me kiss me and protect me
Don't like smooth talkers on dates so sorry Balthier and Zidane

if its a girl I have to take
Yuffy lets steel together
Rinoa togehter we kidnap the president of Deling city
Ashe lets conspire a plan to bring down Arcadia