Which Console(s)/Handheld(s) Do You Own?


S'all good in tha hood!
Jun 1, 2010
United Kingdom
Didn't see this thread anywhere here,so I decided to make it I'd just like to see which is the most popular console/handheld people own or still have (I still have my PS1 :gasp:).

If I missed out any (I'm sure I did) mods feel free to add them. :)
I didn't see the SNES on there :gonk:
...and dozens of old classics beside, like the Sega Megadrive/Saturn/Master System, etc etc. Original Gameboy, Pocket, Colour, Micro, Advance SP, etc etc?
Well, there are a crapton of old consoles :wacky:

Anyways, I have the following:
PS1, PS2, DS Lite (x2), DSi XL, 3DS (don't ask me how I ended up with one of these, because even I don't know...in my defence, it wasn't my money that paid for it :gasp:), PSP Slim, Gameboy Colour (somewhere...), Gameboy Advance (x2), Gameboy Advance SP, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, SNES, Wii, Xbox 360 (250 GB Slim), PS3 (250 GB Slim), a PC and laptop capable of playing games, aaaand a 3rd generation 32GB iPod Touch with more game apps than I can count on it. I think that is my arsenal in its entirety. Fear me, for I waste money. xD
@Argor251 or blakstang98

Can you add all the consoles Lezard just said above to the poll? (I have no idea what they are :wacky:)

And can you also make this sticky? It's good enough to be one and I dont wanna see this gone after like 3 replies,it'll just make the whole thread pointless. :sad3:
Well You got two Nintendo 64's and yes the sega's are missing...

I own All the playstation stuff (minus the GO)
I own Nintendo up to the WII and own the DS Advance Color and regular Gameboys.

No XBox for me :hmph:

and I also own the Sega dreamcast and Sega Genesis... and an Atari :D
Out of those listed I have:

Playstation 1 (now broken, just burnt up one day, but is still lying around somewhere)
Playstation 2 (technically it was my sister's, but I still used it)
Xbox 360 (shared)
PC (upgraded for gaming, play on it lots)
Gamecube (possibily my favourite console of all time)
PSP (only got this recently actually, mainly because I got envious of all the good RPGs on this system)
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Wii
Gameboy Advance (both an original model and an SP model)

I also have a Sega Megadrive that I've had since the age of 4, a classic Gameboy, and a Gameboy Colour.

... think that mostly covers it.
- SNES. My dad's own SNES actually, and my very first gaming console so I'm overly fond of this old workhorse. Ever since I finished Zelda: A Link to the Past I haven't tried playing on it for a while. If a fire were to break out in my house and I had only one console to save, it would be this.

- PSX. I believe this was what the first model of the Playstation was/may be called? It overheated or something many years ago, and unplayable.

- PSone. The smaller model that came out later on. I was given this for one of my birthdays as a replacement for its defunct, grey-plasticky older brother.

- PS2. I love my blue PS2. Its game collection in my house is the largest of the bunch and it's not hard to see why. There are just so many classics on that console spanning many genres, from FFXII to Star Wars Battlefront.

- PS3. Not as well loved as my SNES and PS2, but I love it anyway. It's the 250 GB model that came with Uncharted 2 at a really good price (I've forgotten what it was though) from Play.com. Still a small game library for it, but I've a huge collection of demos in that hard drive that I really ought to try out. xD

- PC technically. What I'm typing on at the moment is technically can be a gaming machine, but its specs are so pitiful you'll be hard pressed to find a game that will even play on it. I couldn't even run Elder Scrolls III for example. :jtc:

- GBA SP. Before I got the DS, I really loved this old handheld to death. I remember playing Zelda: The Minish Cap and various Mario spinoffs on it, and I still use it to this day to play FFV even if the volume is starting to die a bit. I could use the DS too, but it doesn't feel right playing GBA games on it.

- PSP. First model, now defunct. A bit of a shame. The PSP's library is now being expanded with a lot of big-name quality titles and my machine decided to die on me.

- DS. Original brick model, but blue. The only real difference it seems to have from the later DS incarnations is that the charger head is the same as the GBA's and the screens aren't as bright. It works really well, so I've no need for a DSi anytime soon.
SNES-You fail for not adding this one -slaps you with a paper fan-
N64-Why is this displayed twice!
Gameboy Pocket
Gameboy Color
Sega Genesis
Atari 2600

you missed a few consoles!
ok so I own:
Sega Mega Drive: I loved that thing so much! But now that most of my favourite games on it can be found on other consoles in their online stores, it never really comes out and sees the light of day :(

PSOne: I have an old crappy PSOne living somewhere at dads, it's pretty broken now, the power cable has to be stuck on it with sticky tape and the lid doesn't close properly, plus my PS3 plays all my PSOne games now anyway :(

Ahhh my beloved PS3! I own the rare 60gig one that plays PS2 games! It is my pride and joy, I spend hours playing my old favourite games on it. And to think back in the day I swore I wouldn't get a PS3 ever!

well I hate this thing, I never play it unless there is a gem on there that I really like (ToV) I had an Xbox360 and then I sold it because I never used it, then my BF bought us the one we have now.

iPhone: I use my iPhone to play angry birds/ tiny wings and doodle jump.

Nintendo DS: Is only really ever used to play the Pokemon games :)

Nintendo Wii: I love this thing also, and have been spending many hours playing Donkey Kong country Returns on it, damn that game is hard! I think this year is going to be a very big year for wii with 4 new RPGs coming out that everyone is excited for. Too bad it will be the wii's last year :(

PC: I use my PC to play RTS's mainly, like red alert and Command and Conquer. I also do enjoy playing casual games like the sims and tropico 3 :D

That's it I think.

I have way more than that too, just the list didn't have them. :mrgreen:

I will soon have PS3, too.
I have a PC, a PS1, a PS2, a 360, and a PSP. My Sony outnumbers my Microsoft. lol

I don't really have plans for getting any other consoles. If I had to choose though, I would probably get an SNES. I got some games still and I wouldn't mind scooping up some more on E-Bay or something.
Among the ones I voted for, I've also got an Intelivision and Sega CD. I think that's it. I have a PC, but I don't play games on it. I tried WoW for a few days, but got bored of it quickly.
Omg...pretty much everyone on this thread is putting me to shame by owning like 5 different systems :gonk:

I've had a lot of systems over time...my first was the SNES (Earthbound :inlove:)...but I sold that at some point. I've had a Nintendo Gamecube (and played Pikmin which I absolutely adored), but I sold that for my first in a series of 4 Xbox 360's that I've had over a period of 3 years...the most current I still have now. I also did some pc gaming on my desktop that I had before I moved...but I never bothered hooking my desktop up again after the move and I've just been using one of my laptops (which isn't cut out for gaming). I had a Nintendo DS, got another after that one broke...and sold that one for the blue DSI that I have right now. Then came my PS3 that is my favorite console that I got in anticipation for Versus's eventual release.

So right now I have:

My blue Nintendo DSI
My Xbox 360 (which I basically use as a dvd player :gasp:)
and my PS3 :inlove:
Soooo... I have a PS 1,2,3 as well as a GBA, GBC, DSi. I also have a PC, obviously, an iTouch with a billion games, a Droid with a million games, if that counts.

And, in the very near future, I plan to buy not only an X-Box, but a Kinect, and a 3DS :holyshit: :)

Not as much as some people here, but still a bit of a collection, if I do say so myself :)
I'll only list the ones I currently have, though I have only sold/thrown out my old PS and Gameboy iirc

At the minute I have a PS3 in my room, and my old PS" has been packed away in the box my PS£ came in. In the second living room we have a wii, and a wii balance board. I also have a silver DS lite in my room somewhere
Sega Dreamcast - First console I ever got. Controller ports don't work anymore, though :(

Gameboy Color - First handheld I got. Pokemon :yay:

GameCube - Second console. Got this a year after it came out. Have a bunch of games for it.

Playstation 2 - I've had one at my dad's house for years, but never had one of my own that I could play without a wretched time limit. Bought one used along with FFX a few years back :)

Nintendo DS - Bought it on my (late) birthday a few days before the DS lite came out. Still works, but I've had to replace the top screen once. It broke when it was in my backpack near the end of freshman year.

Gameboy Advance SP - Got this to replace my old Gameboy Advance that somehow went missing. Not sure where it went. Not the brighter screen kind. But because of it I have a bunch of GBA SP and NDS chargers :D

Playstation Portable - Got it for Christmas 2 years ago because I wanted to be able to play Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep.

Gaming PC - :gasp: not much to say on this one.

Wii - Mainly in my brother's room because I don't have many games I want to play on it. But my brother's currently getting Xenoblade Chronicles so I might go try that out when he's not using it to keep up with everyone else who's playing it.
I actually don't own too many video game consoles, well not many recent ones at any rate. I have the following.

NES: The old war-horse. Haven't played it in over a decade and a half and I think it's collecting dust in a closet at my dad's house. I'm pretty sure the old boy doesn't work anymore, but it still counts.

SNES: My sentimental favorite and the video game system that I had the most fun with and played the most. Still have it in my possession too. Man, FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, FFIV, Super Mario World, Sim City... too many wonderful games for it to count. A local used game shop sells a bunch of good SNES games for a reasonable price too. (Well except for RPG's those can get extravagant.)

PS1: Well, I did have one, but it broke and I bought a PS2. I actually think it's stowed away in a box at my dad's garage or it met its maker in a dumpster. I cannot recall.

Nintendo 64: I enjoyed this system, and like the SNES, its wrapped up in a closet at my place. Me and my best friend STILL like to crank out GoldenEye every once in a while and have a blast. My gaming library for the N64 wasn't much, but what I had was aces. GoldenEye, Zelda, WWF No Mercy. Thumbs up.

PS2: This is a system that received a lot of traction from me. Have a ton of games for it too, though now its been replaced by its big brother the PS3. I probably played the games FFXII and Resident Evil 4 the most on it. The biggest drawback for the PS2 in my mind is the fact that I had problems with it and had to replace it since my old model broke down. Lousy bugs...

PS3: The newest member of my "gaming" family, and probably the one that I play the least. Its the one I got after I became a -shudder gasp- adult, and have less time to play than any of the others. I still need to get more games for the system too, perhaps then I'll play it more.

I want to get an X-Box 360 since I want to play the game Deadly Premonition. Though, I fear its "Red Ring of Death" that I've heard so many horror stories about.
Sold/packed away most of mine. I currently have a PS3, Xbox360 and a PSP. Though I gave my Xbox360 to my girlfriend to have. And now because a certain recent update, I do not use my PS3 anywhere near as much as I used to. Sad face..
i think ive got 2 psone slims... ive got one of the originals lying about somewhere as well

PS2 my trusty old steed, can't believe its the only system i have that is still in full working order, especially as ive had several PS2's

PS3 which is nothing more than a glorified dvd player...

New pc woop woop. its just downladed warcraft at the speed of light

i had a megadrive, which i appear to have lost...

Snes, though the power pack is fucked - though everything i want is now downloaded on my Wii anyway

Dreamcast. I got my first taste of online gaming with that baby. 1p a minute for the internet soon racked up thoug D:

Er, handhelds

a broken PSP and a pink one I bought to replace the one I dropped down the stairs

GBA, Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, DSLite which I spilled wine on and now the speaker doesnt work. DOn't suppose I need that anyway

Ellie has also got a DS, cant see it lasting long though!!
I have a Playstation 1 which was the first console I ever owned, it somewhere at my moms house buried in the closet and forgotten. My playstation 2 which I still play since most of the game I own are for it, gotta be able to replay Xenosaga and Star Ocean,FF and some of the tales games. A Playstation 3 which I got earleir this year, my games for it are rather small since this next consle i had longer which is a Xbox 360 and most of my current uppdated games are for the 360. I also have an Xbox,Psp which met a tragic end under water, I might replace it when i wanna play Persona 3 again,gameboy advanced,color and a sp all buried with my ps 1 lol and lastly a DS which I never use lol
I currently own:
A PS1, my first console!!! <3 <3
A PS2 slimline, which I bought for Uni quite cheaply.
An XBox 360
A Gamecube, which I think is better than the Wii (even if the Wii does play GC games.)
A Wii
My P.C. is used for gaming, but doesn't play new games. I think Oblivion is its limit!

A Nintendo D.S. Lite

I used to have and traded in (to get the next gen console):
A Gameboy Color
A Gameboy Advance
A Gameboy Advance SP
The original D.S.

Chris has a PS3, SNES, and Dreamcast, so I can always use those if I need to as well! :)