Which Console(s)/Handheld(s) Do You Own?

I only own a PS2 and PS3.

I used to own:

Xbox 360
Nintendo DS
Sega Megadrive

as well, but Steve didn't use the Xbox 360 anymore so he sold it.

I didn't use the PSP or the NDS as much as one should considering how much I spent on it, so I sold those too.

And my Sega died because it was so old. :sad3: I loved it the most out of all my consoles. I had so many games and I just had the most fun on that console. I'm tempted to go and re-buy a new one. My old one was already second hand when I got it and always had issues.

I never had any memory cards for my Sega though. Actually, I don't even know if they had memory cards. I was never able to save my games and had to play them all the way through if I wanted to get to the next level. Been a while since I last played it and I never bothered to look into how to save my games. >.<

I miss Sonic and Paperboy and Spot. >.<
I have:

SNES: Loved the console, it's a shame it doesn't work anymore, I just feel like completing Yoshi's Island 100% complete.

DS Lite: Had a huge library of games to keep me entertained when I'm outside.

PSP: Became addicted to both Dissidia games. Also use the PSP as my music and video player, which is why I carry around an extra memory stick.

Gamecube: Use to play it heaps when I bought it, but years later I packed it up because I got bored of it.
Although I've owned a fair few, if not most of them I only own a PS3 and PSP nowadays and the PSP is rarely, if ever used anymore. I've had my PS3 nearly 5 years now so I think that technically in terms of actually buying a console and the length of time I've kept it that my PS3 could be the console I've ever owned the longest, certainly without buying a new one. It's definitely been worth the purchase.

I sold my 3DS in summer. They're utter shite, I wouldn't buy one ever again.
I sold my 3DS in summer. They're utter shite, I wouldn't buy one ever again.
Can I ask why? a small part of me was tempted to get one, until I realised that I was completely Zelda'd out and very few games were coming out that I wanted to play enough to justify the purchase. >_> I also found the 3D effect unsettling and...disappointing.
Can I ask why? a small part of me was tempted to get one, until I realised that I was completely Zelda'd out and very few games were coming out that I wanted to play enough to justify the purchase. >_> I also found the 3D effect unsettling and...disappointing.

In my opinion I just found the 3D was a novelty. I wasn't expecting anything revolutionary given that 3D is more or less a gimmick to shove a higher price on things but I expected a lot more, not once did I feel the 3D added any other experience to games and gameplay/trailers I've seen of what are Nintendo's 'big' franchises seem to follow the same pattern.

Even the launch titles were dire, I just found the actual system to be a massive flop -- even the guy at GAME where I traded it in said I was one of many people trading it back in which was the reason for Nintendo's price drop after only 5 months.
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The whole handling of the 3DS so far has - although not disastrous - been dire and riddled with flaws, to the extent that it's utterly disappointing coming from a company with the longevity and experience in the business as Nintendo. The second analogue pad add-on peripheral just speaks for itself. Let's think of the PSP. One of the major criticisms of the PSP is the presence of only one analogue stick, which isn't optimally ideal. The PSP has been criticised for having only one analogue stick for five years already before the 3DS first saw the light of day.

Yet Nintendo failed to take note of this and made the same, easily avoidable mistake. Why? The 3DS ultimately feels so half-arsed, and this isn't mitigated by the lacklustre range of games so far (though I remain optimistic that it'll get better). If Nintendo does decide to release a second - and inevitable - reiteration of the 3DS with a second analogue pad, then thank goodness, no need for that unsightly peripheral then. Yet when that happens and developers begin making new games with the second pad in mind, they risk alienating the people who have the original model and still don't have the peripheral, and creating a split between the consumer base.

Anyway, I don't even have a 3DS, so I don't profess that I fully know what I'm on about until I own one, but this is what was going through my mind. The 3DS, while not really a disaster, just feels like a halfhearted product relying extensively on the novelty of 3D and expecting the units to just ship themselves like the DS. The 3DS will very likely be a lot better in the years to come, but Vita in my opinion, is far more impressive, and depressingly, the rise of iOS gaming is highly touted.

To actually get on topic a bit, I recently got a PSP, though only to get some PSone classics like FFVI on the move, and to be able to play through my old PSP titles again. I was hoping to get some titles for it like Type-0 and Valkyria Chronicles 3, but bah! It doesn't look like either of them will leave Japan.
Okay, so um, I got a PS3 almost... 2 months ago? :gasp: Getting close to that :hmmm:

Can I ask why? a small part of me was tempted to get one, until I realised that I was completely Zelda'd out and very few games were coming out that I wanted to play enough to justify the purchase. >_> I also found the 3D effect unsettling and...disappointing.

Pretty much what they said. The 3D is completely unnecessary, and whenever I've played one, I turn it off. Not only does it hurt your eyes after a time, it also kills the battery incredibly fast. I wouldn't say don't get one, but I will say that if you're planning on getting one, to wait until more games come out for it. Tales of the Abyss, Kingdom Hearts 3D, the new LoZ game they're going to be making for it and then eventually Majora's Mask (I hope), etc :hmmm: Slim pickings on that system for the next year or so.
I used to have more but I'm not sure what happend to the rest of my consoles. Anyway I own

Playstations 1-3 + PSP 3000
Nintendo 64
Game Boy Advance + SP
Xbox 360
Original NES

My 360 has the RRoD and I am not sure exactly what is wrong with my NES but that won't work anymore. Most of the said consoles are in storage for whenever I rarely want to play them, especially the ones that are backwards compatible with others. I also have 2 GBAs and a GBA SP somehow :hmmm:
Over my 14 years of gaming, I've collected quite a few consoles and handheld systems. They are as followed:

Xbox 360
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP
Original Nes
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo Wii

Though most of these I don't use much anymore,I still have them around in case I want to visit nostalgia again. :grin:
I have:

PlayStation 2
PlayStation 3
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo GameCube

Though, I don't play my GameCube anymore. n.n;
Atari 2000
Commador 64
Super NES
DS Lite
Sega Genesis
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
XBox 360
Just recently bought a PC for Minecraft and now I am considering Playing an MMOs, quite like the look of the Old Republic so Might get that. Other than that I am a PlayStation lover so even though I have an Xbox 360 I rarely play it because I only have Halo 3 and Reach for it, all my other games are for PS3, I also have a PS2 for the old FF games. I don't have a PS1 but that's only because PS3 can play PS1 games!
in my room.. got a xbox 360, psp slim, pc, ipad, android phone, and a macbook

my parents own a wii and my sister has a DSI, we have 2 DS lite's and 3 DS's

and finally my brother has a sega megadrive and a nes. the nes has a boxed copy of the first super mario and a boxed copy of final fantasy I :grin:
Whatever can be used for games:
Android (HTC), iPhone 4 (iOS), GBA SP, 4 computers, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 & Playstation 2.
i mostly own my PSP go :p and got PS1...but don't have any game in it anymore as whatever game i tried to play it crashed after a certain time :(
and ....i got ma PS2 but THE CONSOLE CRASHED THIS TIME :(
I play games on my iPod Touch, but as well as that;
Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Colour, PSP, PS2. I might buy the PS Vita soon; maybe.
I mainly Play on PS3 & Xbox 360 now, but over the years I've played on PS1, PS2, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance SP, Nintendo DS, DS Lite, And thats about it I played PC now and again but never for long. I think PS4 will be the biggest step up in gaming industry. for a long time!
time to update my list :grin:

My systems: PS3, PC, DS Lite, 3DS, PSP 3000, Playstation Vita, MacBook, Nexus 7, Galaxy Note

Rest of House: IPad 2, another DS Lite, DSI, Another Nexus 7, 4 Laptops, Another PC, Second PS3, Sega Megadrive, NES, PSP 1000, Gameboy Advance SP, Sky+ HD Box (it has interactive games)
I got pretty much everything BUT
the X-box stuff (shame on me)
Sega Mega Drive
Gameboy pocket
Gameboy color
Gameboy Micro
And I don't use my PC for gaming, that seems weird to me...and no phones, either :dry:
NES: It's somewhere in the basement. Lol I'm sure we'll dig it out eventually.

N64: My Lil Broski plays this daily. Mario party 2 & Mario tennis.

PS2: My most played system. I played it most of the year nonstop. Until about Earlier this month.

Found this recently (actually I had it all this time, just couldn't find the charger :/) I played it for 2 days and got bored.

Xbox 360:
Hmm, how do I explain this. I have it.. But I don't. I think Santa bought me one. :)